Gifts for pornographicpenguin
List of Gifts
Kinks & Curiosities by Freedom_N_G for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
26 Aug 2023
коллекция драбблов с подсказками (в названии глав), основанных на теме «редкие, представленные в недостаточном количестве или необычные кинки».
The Spring Theory by XeraNova for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types
03 Sep 2021
What would happen if Pokemon suddenly became real? Join Spring, Autumn, Summer, and Winter as they deal with the consequences of such an event changing their life for better or worse.
Uncharted territory by DaddyKaro for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
15 Apr 2021
Seeing this guy in a tank top and the familiar looking Rolex on his wrist, I would have never thought he would be the beginning of the change.
Поцелуи & Объятия // Kisses & Cuddles by Freedom_N_G for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
02 Dec 2020
коллекция коротеньких sfw фиков!
(т.е. с контентом весьма приличного содержания) -
Чонгук прочищает горло. «Ты, э-э», - говорит он более чётко. «Ты хочешь пойти со мной на свидание?»
«О», - произносит Чимин. Его губы распахиваются, а толстые очки с широкой оправой соскальзывают ниже по его переносице. «Эм, я...»
Одновременно с этим Чонгук паникует. -
Ode To Yoongi’s Bottom(ing) by emothy for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
19 Dec 2018
Yoongi is a bottom, my trash poem.
two bones are better than one by KingOfHearts709 for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
31 Oct 2018
“Just human?” Namjoon raises his eyebrows.
“I mean, I guess three hundred years ago, my ancestors had a ghoul thrown in somewhere, but. Just human.” There’s a silence that wafts through the air.
- Part 1 of the freaks come out at night
This Little Piggy by fairflowered for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
25 Apr 2018
Usually it’s Taehyung sitting at the other end of the couch, pressing and prodding at Jimin’s soles and not minding too much if Jimin lets out little sighs every so often that aren’t so much because of the relief he feels as his sore muscles are worked on, but more, well– because he’s got a foot thing.
This time, though, it’s not Taehyung whose long fingers are wrapped around his heel, it’s Yoongi, who, despite being his boyfriend for the past three months, does not know about the foot thing.
[or, Jimin has a foot Thing and Yoongi gets kicked in the face.]
Мечтаю о тебе / dreaming of you by Freedom_N_G for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
07 Mar 2018
Сцена нечёткая, но выглядит примерно так:
Юнги прислоняется к стене, запястья удерживаются над его головой кандалами, которые царапают его кожу всякий раз, когда он дрожит так сильно, — и его ноги выставлены на полу впереди него, полностью обвитые кольцами щупалец.
- Language:
- Русский
- Words:
- 6,419
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 16
- Hits:
- 702
Люблю тебя (Даже во сне) by Freedom_N_G for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
18 Feb 2018
По-видимому, Чонгук лунатит.
Разрастусь в тебе / growing on you by Freedom_N_G for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
11 Jan 2018
Его фантазия складывается примерно так:
Юнги покупает подозрительного вида растение у уличного торговца. Он показывает его Чимину, когда приносит домой: странная луковица только начинает цвести и странные, щупальце образные ветви свисают по краям горшка. Он называет это милым. Чимин называет это странным, и Юнги прижимает это к своей груди, словно маленькую, драгоценную вещицу, которая нуждается в защите от грубых слов Чимина.
За исключением того, что вещица определённо не нуждается в защите.
Защекочи меня до невозможности! by Freedom_N_G for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
08 Jan 2018
Юнги перебирает пальцами по ключице Чимина. Он немного удивлён, когда Чимин ёрзает напротив него, его губы распахиваются от стона.
Юнги вскидывает брови. Он задумывается на секунду, что в мире побудило его к этому... прежде, чем вспоминает, что шея Чимина адски чувствительна к щекотке.
О, да. Юнги всё хотел попробовать это.
A love that keeps beating; you held my hand but I tossed it by Chimchim_7 for pornographicpenguin, the real MVP honestly
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
27 Nov 2017
"I didn't want to make anybody happy. I wanted someone to make me happy."
"Then you smiled over your shoulder, For a minute I was stone-cold sober"
--"You do know that I'm only a regular submissive don't you?" Namjoon points to the standard issue government ID band that most low ranks don.
"Yeah and I'm a regular dominant." He rolls his eyes.
Everything from his upright shoulders to piercing gaze demands the truth.
Too bad Namjoon's immune to it.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Namjoon retorts.
"That means baby boy," (Oh oh that means 'he' saw the baby blue ribbon that they tied around his wrist to identify he was mainly a soft submissive) "that you can fool everyone here except me."
Kepler and Gliese by GinForInk for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
11 Nov 2017
Dashing ex-interstellar pilot meets shy tentacle monster.
- Part 1 of Alien Love on Gliese
A handjob a week isn't much to live off of by paechtart (lilikoimoemoe) for pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
15 Apr 2017
Happy birthday Jay!!
A handjob a week is not much for Jimin to live off of.
Jimin thinks it’s sort of like the equivalent of feeding someone nothing but peas for all three meals of the day: sure, peas are all well and good, but eating peas and only peas for any extended period of time is going to result in some serious vitamin deficiencies. And probably some other bad stuff, although Jimin doesn’t actually know all that much about it. Certainly it’s not going to make a person feel good.
- Part 2 of Fanart of other Fics
Peaches and Cream by paechtae (lilikoimoemoe) for subsequence, pornographicpenguin
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
04 Apr 2017
Yoonji took her aside and pulled her into the corridor by the bathrooms, placing her hands onto Namjoo's shoulders, "Hey, if you don't want to do this, I can always take you to that cafe on the third floor instead."
Namjoo looked up and looked at Yoonji, wide-eyed, "No, I want to, I do... I do."
Yoonji studied her for a few seconds, before leaning in and pressing her lips softly to Namjoo's, "Good."
- Part 2 of A Miscellany of Stories
“You know you’re kind of doing to him what I did to you,” Taehyung said as he stared out the front window of Jimin’s flat. “You’re letting him think this is working because you want the attention. He deserves better.”
Jimin sighed and put down his pencil over four pages of notes on the properties of various frog legs. “I think this is working, Tae. He's into it. I’m comfortable. It's fun.”
“What if he finds out that you only dating him because you couldn’t have me?” Taehyung said.