poppyseedheart's Collections
4 Collections
List of Collections
Idolverse Fest is a multifandom fanwork fest dedicated to exploring idoldom, celebrity, and canon compliance, divergence, and departure. This fest runs from May to August 2021, and will not be anonymous.
(Open, Moderated, Unrevealed, Prompt Meme Challenge)
One True Kpop Team Collaboration Collection for Voiceteam Mystery Box 2021 (One_True_Kpop_Team_Collaboration_Collection_Voiceteam_Mystery_Box_2021) by cheshiretears, averytree, bluedreaming, beingzen, XiuChen4Ever, pxssnelke, words_unravel, sunkitten_shash, cobbie, moonapple, mabyn_podfic, poppyseedheart, smallpoem, knight_tracer, TheArcher, signifying_nothing, asterismo_s
28 Dec 2021
Team Kpop was TOO POWERFUL, so we are split in twain. However, the day will come where our forces combine to create twice as much podfic. That day may be today.
(Open, Unmoderated)
We are deadline-oriented writers who are friends and this is a collection of multi-fandom works all under the umbrella of fic for kpop groups! Please enjoy perusing.
(Open, Moderated)
Voiceteam Mystery Box 2020: Team K-Pop (VoiceteamMysteryBox2020TeamKpop) by admin (bluedreaming), poppyseedheart, averytree, hollowcene, amertume, the24thkey, WaterMonkey, signis_reads (signifying_nothing), words_unravel, knight_tracer, moon_apple, WhiteHaru37, cheshiretears, pxssnelke, dabow
28 Dec 2020
Team K-Pop creations for Voiceteam Mystery Box 2020
(Open, Unmoderated)