Gifts for pickletea
List of Gifts
May I take you the sunlight [fanart] by Mikanskey for pickletea
Fandoms: X-Men: First Class (2011) - Fandom
15 Nov 2015
In a world, where Eren is born with every single scar he should have gotten in the past but didn’t because of his titan abilities.
Trigger warning: Read tags
Witchever Way It Works by Times_Gone (orphan_account) for pickletea
Fandoms: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan
24 Aug 2014
If he"d known how much hassle it would be to collect, Levi never would have taken the deal in first place. And why in the hell is a Circle wizard sniffing around? Can"t a witch get a break?
An Eruriren take on the "two witches each have a contract for someone"s firstborn child, but those two people get married and have a baby together."