Gifts for observethewalrus
List of Gifts
Rewind by terryreviews for StrangeBrooch, jessm78, FredericaBimmel69, observethewalrus
Fandoms: Doctor Who (1963)
26 May 2024
The Doctor has been forcibly regenerated and dumped in the 1960s on Earth with his memories of how to time travel stolen from him. He relied on his humor and bravado to get him through his new situation and the new people in his life but the bitterness was there. At least he found the tape recorder. It had taken him several hours but he found it, and it was now his most precious thing.
When your memories are taken from you and then suddenly returned, all at once, they’re not in various degrees of fade, like they should be naturally. Each little thing is just as sharp as the next, and Jamie remembered everything.
Jamie is back with the Doctor, but all he can notice is how much their years apart post-War Games have changed him.
- Part 3 of tumblr prompts
Gone Fishin' by terryreviews for jessm78, FredericaBimmel69, StrangeBrooch, Eggling, observethewalrus
Fandoms: Doctor Who (1963)
16 Sep 2021
Sequel to "This is My Home" Jamie and the Doctor are preparing to go fishing together.
This is My Home by terryreviews for StrangeBrooch, FredericaBimmel69, jessm78, observethewalrus, Eggling
Fandoms: Doctor Who (1963)
17 Aug 2021
The Doctor worries that he's been unkind to Jamie, that Jamie's going to realize that he doesn't like living on the TARDIS with him and will leave.