- Doctor Who (1)
- Top Gun (Movies) (1)
- Doctor Who (2005) (1)
Recent works
Ten and Eleven decide to play Monopoly. Chaos ensues. Meanwhile, Twelve discovers how aggravating they can be.
AKA: just an average day in the Doctor household.
“What’s wrong?” Phoenix asked. “Is this about the stupid thing they said about something going on between us?” When she got no answer from her WSO, she continued. “I’m sure they meant no harm, and you know they’ll knock it off if you say it makes you uncomfortable.”
“No, it’s not that,” Bob replied with a sigh. He paused a bit, seeming to think things over. “Well… yeah, actually. Kinda."
In which Bob has something to tell Phoenix, and Phoenix listens like the great older sister that she is.