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The city doesn't feel real to her. Technicolour lamplights and legged fish, quilts and cakes, and queen-sized couches. The desert heat hovering heavy, her body still burning in that big empty house.
Elena moves to Vegas.
She wants to, in a way. Wants to bury herself in the ground, deep in the woods he’d once walked her through and wait for him to dig her out.
He would.
She can picture it, jacket discarded, dirt under his nails- the desperation he quietly saves for her.The obligatory American Gothic fic
everything is teeth by noimkillingboys for readergirl37
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries (TV)
06 Dec 2022
To be devoured, Elijah knew no greater joy.
with his educated eyes, and his head between my thighs by noimkillingboys
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries (TV)
02 Mar 2022
Elijah eats Elena out.
“Can’t you hear its heartbeat?” she can feel it, sometimes louder than her own.
“I can hear yours.”
Elena aborts a miracle baby and Elijah buys breakfast.
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He knows what Daniel is about to say before he begins.
“Yeah, hey listen. I got some fact checking to do—”
“I’ve told you, Daniel. I’ve given my story. He can give his. I declined to participate in this documentary—”
“I watched you feed on Armand in Dubai, right? I’m not making that up?”
Louis’s hands pause. That wasn’t what he was expecting at all.
For 114 years, Louis had an aversion to drinking Lestat's blood, but not for the reason Lestat thinks. Daniel reaches out to Louis for a fact check.
Bookmarked by noimkillingboys
18 Dec 2024
triangulation is when there's three of something by luminoussbeings
Fandoms: Interview with the Vampire (TV 2022)
23 Nov 2024
Louis' fingers hover above Daniel’s waistband, but his eyes find Armand’s. “Would you like that?” he asks softly.
“Yes,” the boy says. “God, please—”
Armand gives an infinitesimal nod.
or: AU where Armand and Louis move to the penthouse ten years after the events of Divisadero Street. Daniel, out of cash and out of options, takes up an offer to be a vampire blood bag. and cue ensuing triangulation of desire
Bookmarked by noimkillingboys
17 Dec 2024
27-year-old Alpha Prince Arthur has been married off to 16-year-old Druid Prince Merlin to unite their kingdoms.
Meeting for the first time at dawn to be handfasted by the customs of Merlin’s druid people - and expected to mate that night by the customs of Arthur's wolf-people - neither prince is best pleased by the situation. Tomorrow they will belong to each other in body and soul.
Turns out, married life's not so bad ...
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 7,009
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 4
- Comments:
- 127
- Kudos:
- 6,360
- Bookmarks:
- 990
- Hits:
- 84,490
Bookmarked by noimkillingboys
17 Dec 2024
When Merlin reveals his magic and then gets cursed in an attempt to save Arthur, he runs away - the idiot. To find him, Arthur has no choice but to take up with an unlikely ally. But to save him, he not only has to face and understand what Merlin really means to him, he has to get Merlin to believe him, too.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 20,206
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 5
- Comments:
- 141
- Kudos:
- 6,368
- Bookmarks:
- 1,116
- Hits:
- 88,021
Bookmarked by noimkillingboys
17 Dec 2024
“You really do have a soulmate.” Arthur said with a frown and Merlin shrugged. “That might be a problem.”
"Can’t stand anybody but you having a shot a true love?” Merlin asked flatly. Arthur wrinkled his nose.
“No, idiot. Spirit animals don’t get along unless they belong to their soulmate. If my bird sees your hideous lion-“
“He is quite dashing, thank you. Besides, your bloody bird is too loud-“
“My bird is just trying to do me a favor and tune you out!” Arthur snapped and took a long breath “The point is they can’t be around each other. So unless you want Emmy to pluck out this lion’s eyes I suggest you tell him to bugger off.” He snapped. Merlin was inclined to tell Arthur to bugger off himself, but was immediately distracted by one word.
“Emmy?” He repeated and smiled. “You did name him.”
In a time of myth and a land of magic, your soulmate’s spirit animal looks after you (even after you meet your soulmate). Arthur and Merlin are oblivious fools. We know this. That doesn’t change here.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 12,101
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Comments:
- 226
- Kudos:
- 11,008
- Bookmarks:
- 1,981
- Hits:
- 65,564
Bookmarked by noimkillingboys
16 Dec 2024