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Amid their turbulent and messy public divorce, actor Sung Hanbin and former-idol-turned-soloist Zhang Hao fall in love – for the first time.
(Or, in the space of a single summer, a mutually-beneficial PR relationship between two celebrities goes from bad to worse.)
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 70,657
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 288
- Kudos:
- 1,728
- Bookmarks:
- 486
- Hits:
- 33,414
Bookmarked by namjinkoos
08 Dec 2024
“It doesn’t have to be marriage, necessarily. A boyfriend would be nice.” Seokjin laughs and finally turns to look the camera head on, although he’s not looking down the camera lens. “Ah, listen to hyung, getting soppy at Yoongi and Namjoon’s wedding, and we’ve not even touched the alcohol yet. Make sure you cut this out of the final film, Jeongguk-ah!”
“If you want me to,” Jeongguk says.
Whatever expression he’s pulling off-camera makes Seokjin’s face turn soft, a little fond. “What’s got you pulling that face?”
“Anyone would be lucky to date you, hyung,” Jeongguk says. The camera’s still zoomed in from earlier, so he zooms out again, catching the moment where Seokjin throws his head back in laughter. “I-it’s true!”
“You’re very sweet,” Seokjin says, still chuckling. “I’ll bring you along to my first-dates, yeah? You can big me up, tell them what a delight I am.” He smiles widely, and the footage suddenly cuts to black.
Bookmarked by namjinkoos
16 Dec 2021
More Than You Bargained For by TracksDifferent for justinseagullontour
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
19 Apr 2021
"I'll just..." Seokjin says awkwardly, already feeling so severely out of place as he settles into Taehyung's desk chair across the room. He wishes he was farther from the bed, that he could blend into the wall entirely but Jungkook asked and Seokjin said yes. He isn't really worried about watching other people have sex, that’s not it; he's worried about watching Jungkook have sex with people who aren't him.
Bookmarked by namjinkoos
07 May 2021
A few weeks go by before the next selca hits Seokjin's inbox - again, just to him. Seokjin frowns, wondering if he should tell Jungkook he's the only one getting them, but when he opens the picture he chokes on his iced Americano.
It's Jungkook in his bed again but his usual funny face is replaced with... Seokjin hesitates to describe it because he's afraid he's projecting what he wants to see or something. It's pretty dark in the room, Jungkook's face illuminated by the phone screen, his lower lip trapped between his teeth.
It makes Seokjin feel hot all over, makes him shift in his seat, and he doesn't have time to think about it so he quickly types and sends a message.
me what did I tell you about taking selcas in my bed?
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 12,709
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 150
- Kudos:
- 1,965
- Bookmarks:
- 430
- Hits:
- 21,133
Bookmarked by namjinkoos
01 May 2021
"You are Spiderman!" the man on the screen laughs and Jungkook fills with glee.
"Are you sure about that?" and it's amazing to hear the guy laughing even louder when he pulls his mask off.
or, Jungkook enters Omegle to kill time and meets this cute guy he thinks he will never see again. so, in the end, it's all Taehyung's fault.
- Part 1 of The Amazing Adventures of Spider Jeon
Bookmarked by namjinkoos
01 May 2021