Recent works
It's eighteen fifty seven, ten years since Ronaldo was decided to be King over his brother who no-one knows till this very day. Ronaldo has swept up any information about him, and speaking of Ronaldo, he is tyrannical king who pollutes the air with factories, and pollutes our children with child labor, the percentage of homeless people is going up day by day as many can't afford their homes, riots break out, but Cristiano stomps all of them down, and now one man, his brother is steping up to the flag of Albion to make things right, although it will take a while, It'll be worth it in the end, he hopes, Albion hopes.
I got bored so I made this little fanfiction, I hope you enjoy, it's frankly about how in a couple weeks all the Middle Schoolers of Laures Middle School for World Talent, are about to go to High School and are planning for a big promotion/prom dance and getting their affairs in order, with there being only a couple weeks of school day, day one sixty out of one eighty days to be exact.