Gifts for mizjoy
List of Gifts
Don't Start Now by dont_sleep__stan for mizjoy
Fandoms: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime)
28 Feb 2024
Bakery AU: Jessie and James run a bakery. Meowth runs the noodle shop across the street. They’re fairly successful. Then one day, Jessie’s position as head of security for the shop is put to the test. Fluffy Rocketshipping.
Don't Be Discouraged, Amelia! Getting Along and Trying Again by dont_sleep__stan for mizjoy
Fandoms: Slayers (Anime & Manga)
08 Mar 2023
Amelia, a prolific fanfic writer, breaks the most sacred commandment of fanfic: don't write about real people. She brushes this off and makes a new friend while entertaining her rapt audience, especially one steadfast commenter.
AmZel, Lina/Gourry, Martina/Zangles in the background for laughs
College AU/everyone is human AU