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Rockstars, hairy chests & late night dick-riding! by lobsterine
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series
13 Dec 2024
"Jim.” Spock’s voice pierced the silence, Jim couldn’t resist turning around.
Spock already had his pants on, and was holding the purple suit’s black button-up undershirt. For the billionth time, Jim thought Spock was the most beautiful creature in the universe.
Spock hesitated, honest to god, hesitated. He wasn’t just thinking about what or how to say it. He knew and was hesitating because of it.
“I have a request.” He said, putting on the undershirt. Jim wanted to take it off again.
“Anything, Spock.”
“If my counterpart makes any… moves on you, of the romantic or sexual nature, I ask that you refuse him.”
Okay. Right. Wow.
Jim blinked at Spock.
About Almost Dying & Almost Sex by lobsterine
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: The Original Series
10 Jun 2024
But there was clearly attraction between the both parties. By attraction, Jim meant he was very much in love with Spock. Nothing new. They also had almost-sex, like, three times. But then, why did Spock always run away from him? Why not just talk?
A tiny voice shouted inside Kirk’s head: “It’s not like you tried to talk things out, either!” Jim shushed it. This wasn’t about him.
Or, Spock and Jim dance around each other. Until they don't.