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You Can Be The Boss [Kylo Ren AU] by lilypadsandnymphs
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens
22 Sep 2022
Since the age of eighteen, you had planned, strived and worked your hardest to become an employee at Ren Industries, one of America's most notorious billion dollar marketing companies. And at twenty-two, you had gotten just what you wanted—a position as a design specialist in the company. You tried to avoid your boss at work as much as possible, too scared of facing one of your idols. Ditching presentations and leaving your own projects in the hands of your colleagues were a regular part of your work routine. However, you could've never planned what was to come your way two years later.
Surely, a fake relationship with the infamous Kylo Ren was something entirely fictional...