Recent works
Francis Crozier has enough to do running a marine wildlife rehab centre without having to onboard their obnoxious new outreach coordinator. But when seals start turning up dead around the sound, Francis finds that his new colleague might be his best chance at solving the mystery...
In which Sophia drags James along on the girls' annual camping trip and has absolutely zero ulterior motives in doing so. None at all. Not even the thought of one.
- Part 3 of cold boys camping
The Calm After the Storm by ladymedraut
Fandoms: SHAKESPEARE William - Works, The Tempest - Shakespeare, Hamlet - Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing - Shakespeare
29 Dec 2022
Sebastian rules the seas, Antonio is no longer dead, their brothers are leaving them alone. Life finally seems to be looking up for the pair of rogues. Except Sebastian has a tendency to take pity on castaways, and pretty soon his ship has become a home for the leftovers of other people's tragedies...
(set after 'Just A Shot Away')
- Part 2 of just a shot away
John Franklin had pneumonia, and Francis had never felt more festive in his life. (Not that this was a particularly difficult baseline to clear—he’d never been one to do much for the holidays aside from occasionally letting Ross bully him into a hideous Grinch sweater and trying to finish Ann’s gingerbread cookies before Neptune got to them—but still. It had to count for something.) Perhaps the holiday cabin festivities that Ross and James had planned for their old circle of university outing club friends wouldn’t immediately devolve into chaos after all. Maybe, just this once, everything would go according to plan.
Francis should have known that the universe didn’t like him enough to let that happen.
- Part 2 of cold boys camping
John Franklin had a brilliant idea for a reunion with his university outing club friends: drive across the US and go backpacking somewhere interesting-looking in the middle of winter. It goes about as well as expected.
- Part 1 of cold boys camping
Recent series
- Words:
- 27,439
- Works:
- 3
Repurposed Imperial Scrap Metal by ladymedraut
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebels
12 Feb 2022
- Words:
- 11,636
- Works:
- 2
- Bookmarks:
- 7
plantagenet university by ladymedraut
Fandom: 15th Century CE RPF, Richard III - Shakespeare, The Sunne in Splendour - Sharon Kay Penman
18 Feb 2020
- Words:
- 4,306
- Works:
- 2
- Bookmarks:
- 4
just a shot away by ladymedraut
Fandom: Hamlet - Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing - Shakespeare, SHAKESPEARE William - Works, The Tempest - Shakespeare
29 Dec 2022
- Words:
- 79,867
- Works:
- 3
- Bookmarks:
- 1