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After the events of Endwalker, Jullus accompanies G'raha on an expedition out onto the ice.
Bookmarked by kerua
30 Dec 2024
The Warrior shares everything with Ardbert: meals, her body, and, to an extent, G'raha.
“You deserve everything in my power to give you. Any wish you have I would see fulfilled and ‘tis better still if it is our hands which fulfill it.” Fjern deliberately says aloud, watching Ardbert flinch and curl his hands into fists. “Whether or not you believe you deserve it, I do, and I’ve no intention of twisting any wishes.”
Then she turns right back to her line, recasting with a different bait when nothing larger than a finger bites. Fjern holds still as the first few nibbles come at her line, and then when a harder bite lands, she tugs up and right firmly to ensure the fish is hooked before she starts reeling. This gives Ardbert adequate time to sit there and come to terms with what she knows he will eventually agree to, because she knows herself.
“You could at least try not to look smug,” Ardbert mutters, nudging his shoulder into hers in a kaleidoscope of light refracted across the water. “Is that why you brought us out here?”
“I thought fishing would be a peaceful way to start. Fine movements, low stakes, not particularly strenuous.”
- Part 4 of willful misinterpretations
Bookmarked by kerua
28 Sep 2024
I'm going to miss him so much, she thinks. I'm going to miss this house, this life. But… I can always come back to it. It's here for me, whenever I need it.
Calathea leaves for Tural in the morning. Her bags are packed, but is she missing something?
Bookmarked by kerua
15 Jun 2024
Solene’s smile is his first prize, the genuine glow of pleasure at his answer so radiant to his eyes that surely, he thinks, surely this is what it must be to stare freely at the sun, if one had the power to do so without the risk of burn.
“You need not dress,” she says, gently patting the space beside her. “Come sit.”
Oh, but what a thing it would be, G’raha thinks, silently padding over to do as she bids—to simply let the heat overwhelm, and go up as kindling for the flame.
- Part 5 of the unbroken thread
Bookmarked by kerua
31 Dec 2023
There will always be two parts to her. The hero and the woman, all ideals and imperfections.
But she sees them both now, reflected back at her in the ruby shine of his eyes, cupped tenderly in his hands. Equal in measure, in worth. As though the whole of her is a jewel, priceless, her every facet exquisite.
- Part 1 of the unbroken thread
Bookmarked by kerua
27 Dec 2023