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Eddie is covering one half of the 136's heavy rescue duo whilst Buck is signed off with a broken wrist.
Chris is the best teenager ever, the 136 don't realise they're being heteronormative and Lena is a smug know-it-all who deserves all the cupcakes.
It had been three days.
Three days since Bradley had felt the biggest loss since his Mom’s death all those years ago, three days since his stomach plummeted and the ground fell out from beneath his feet.
Three days since the man who’d raised him, encouraged him, loved him, had betrayed him.
Three days since he’d stormed out of his home screaming at the only dad he could ever truly remember that he never wanted to see him again.
Boxing Day Confessions by katiemorag
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms
29 Dec 2020
Rosie tells John and Sherlock on Boxing Day that she had sent a second letter to Santa asking for something that hadn't materialised on Christmas morning, this leads to some long awaited confessions.
Dwarves were strange creatures. Bilbo had thought that often enough for it to be a statement of fact rather than a passing observation. He didn’t suppose he’d ever quite grasp the call of gold and jewels or of heavy weaponry. Then again, dwarves didn’t quite understand why he and other hobbits held such a fondness for the sun and things grown in the ground so perhaps hobbits were just as strange.
Durin's Day celebrations don't quite turn how Bilbo expected, a few months later, it gets infinitely worse.
It was a point of contention among many of Baltimore’s elite that Dr Hannibal Lecter had failed to take any sort of interest in any of their offspring.
The invitation to ball at Lecter's residence ignites Baltimore's gossip mill, the rumor is that Hannibal will be searching for a bride there.
No-one expects to meet Hannibal's mate of 8 years there.
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The Warblers discover that they and McKinley will be doing the same musical during the fall semester. After a spot of espionage against their rival school McKinley, new Warbler Sebastian finds himself fascinated by one of the young auditioners… and unintentionally becoming the Warblers’ nefarious leader.
AN: Some canon events apply, but the order will be changed to a more breathable timeline than the borked up version than the show offered. In this timeline Kurt does NOT come in for a second audition with Rachel.