Gifts for joanhello
List of Gifts
Being a hero is tiring work, and incredibly stressful. It is especially so when a new, quick-witted, villain seeks to take advantage of the evil power vacuum left behind by Megamind himself. Luckily, his friends will always be there to help him recharge after a long day.
We're all that's left (and we're going home) by dalniente for joanhello, dead-eyedplasticdesktoy
Fandoms: Megamind (2010)
03 Sep 2019
Tumblr prompt from archive-of-evil: To honor Metro Man, the local planetarium puts together an exhibit commemorating the solar system that was destroyed by the black hole. The setup is extensive, a memorial to all the sentient peoples that lost their lives (a ‘tomb of the unknown soldier’ kinda deal). Metro Man is invited to be the guest of honor during the unveiling. Megamind shows up uninvited, not as a crasher, but as a mourner.