3 Works by hauntsjello
Listing Works
On the day GAIA dies and Hekarro witnesses AETHER's arrival to the Grove, he happens to find a Focus laying in the dirt beneath the Vision of Faraday. He keeps it as a reminder of his new duty, unaware of what it really is. Fourteen years later, Kotallo is adrift in his new role as Marshal and reeling from the loss of the life he thought he'd have. Hekarro gives him the Focus and promises that as long as Kotallo has it, he will never be alone. He is speaking, of course, metaphorically.
Enter Aloy: hungry for friendship, curious about the new signal that just showed up in the distant west, and entirely too impatient with how slowly Kotallo is processing the sudden appearance of a teenager in his ear who insists she's not the voice of the Ten.
(or - Aloy and Kotallo become long-distance pen pals years before the events of HZD or HFW.)
2. ErendThe world was planted and tended like a garden, Zo argues, pointing out the careful seeding of each biome they've passed through and the herds of machines still dutifully executing their terraforming maintenance processes a safe distance away from them.
Exactly! Erend argues back. The world is clockwork. Elisabet and her team made up all the pieces, and now every single one of us, human and machine and animal and even your beanweed snacks are little gears in a larger process to save the Earth!
I do not think my beanweed bites are active participants in the fate of the world, Zo replies blandly, but she cannot help but be amused nonetheless.
LAURA: I love you too
LAURA: are you scared?SHELLY: Not anymore.
LAURA: you wanna go down singing?
LAURA: *swingingSHELLY: Ha ha
SHELLY: No let’s do it
SHELLY: Let’s go down singing