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David and Matteo take the road trip of a lifetime and learn about themselves, the world, and the people they want to be. Come along for the ride as David and Matteo make a playlist. (Follows David and Matteo"s canon road trip)
- Part 1 of David and Matteo Make a Playlist
It"s the Gay Science by residentsheeper for theyellowcurtains
Fandoms: Druck | SKAM (Germany)
16 Sep 2019
Despite the impression of being the one with the brains among them, it progressively seems to the boys that, David is as much as a dumbass as they are.
“Seriously though David, I remember you as this edgy and intelligent guy like Matteo told us – what happened to that? Does spending so much time with our boy over there mean that he sucked all the braincells out of you?”
Matteo latches onto this immediately.
Bookmarked by florenzi
29 Feb 2020