
Why read when you can write, why write when you can cry about new fic ideas

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Hello there, I'm fangirlandiknowit, also known as Emi.

I'm 32, from Sweden. I love horses, cats, and I'm probably a workaholic. Please don't hesitate to talk to me because I am very friendly!

I never grew out of my Naruto phase. I am sometimes very slow at updating... OTL feel free to nag me!

If you want more up to date info about my writing progress or just to check if I'm still alive, I still use my tumblr, my url there is fangirlandiknowit101.

I've made a tumblr to use as an archive there for my fics, at fangirlandiknowit but it's not really up to date...

I also have an account on (fangirlandiknowit). I'm currently working on moving all my stories to ao3 and most likely deleting them from at some point.

Thank you all for reading<333