Gifts for doritos79
List of Gifts
Where Requests Go. by Mondo1682 for BatHood97, sanshiyidianqi, doritos79
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015)
02 Jul 2022
Pretty much as title describes.
Jokes are the best way to confess right? by Tukma for Picmonster50, SuperXenite, ValkyrieNine, bveros, doritos79, DaniG, , emilaya25, pclauink, Jesse2, Knightlyjay, Azzyew, Leapyearbaby29, Shipper_Of_All_Ships
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015), supercorp - Fandom
24 Apr 2020
A world appart yet the prospective match is found ........
Kryptonians get their soul mate match on their naming day usually......
Kara gets hers when Kal-El is named....
Both in a forign Tongue....
Lena has a unusual soul mark but they dont mean anything except they go black when completed, or do they?
exploding planets, phantom zones, family feuds the universe doesnt care
Supercorp is Endgame
- Part 4 of Fluffy and silly supercorp shorts