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Don't Raise Heroes by katydidmischief (cassiejamie)
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
01 Aug 2013
Jim is six when he meets Chris Pike on a warm Thursday afternoon.
- Part 1 of Fathers, Sons, and Heroes
Bookmarked by cloudsofgray
06 Dec 2024
Average Gothamite doesn’t hit at least 1 goon with a car a year. This factoid is wrong, average person hits 0 goons with a car a year. Speeds Georg, who has a need for speed and hits 3 goons a day, is an outlier and shouldn’t be counted.
— Tim Drake-centric racing au where Tim has a special interest in vehicles and stunt driving, hot wires the Batmobile as a kid, and becomes the vigilante getaway-driver, Road Runner. He races around Gotham, hitting rogues with his car (mostly joker) and picking up his family members when they need a quick getaway.
(Description inspired by user Oceanwind)
- Words:
- 11,115
- Works:
- 1
- Bookmarks:
- 525
Bookmarked by cloudsofgray
24 Nov 2024
Tim's parents faked their deaths and fled the country years ago, but neglected to take him with them. He spent some time on the streets, and now at 16, he makes a living as a fortune teller, stalking and hustling the shit out of Gotham's elite by telling them eerily accurate fortunes based on the information he gathers about them.
His life is peculiar but he wouldn't change a thing. When he gets booked for the big Wayne Halloween party, however, he finds himself getting all tangled up with the Waynes, and the more fortunes he tells, the tighter the snare becomes.or: Tim just wanted to scam Gotham's elite, not end up on the Batfamily's watchlist. But it seems they just won't leave him alone..
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 69,788
- Chapters:
- 30/30
- Collections:
- 61
- Comments:
- 5,028
- Kudos:
- 16,438
- Bookmarks:
- 5,304
- Hits:
- 238,763
Bookmarked by cloudsofgray
12 Nov 2024
[ART] Harry Potter Gets a Job (A 106-Page Comic) by dustmouth
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
14 Nov 2023
Harry returns home from Romania to find Arthur Weasley has a new apprentice, and there's an extra place set for dinner.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 0
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 194
- Kudos:
- 1,847
- Bookmarks:
- 295
- Hits:
- 11,245
Bookmarked by cloudsofgray
26 Oct 2024
Antonia Carter Stark takes no shit and no prisoners.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 23,416
- Chapters:
- 3/3
- Comments:
- 420
- Kudos:
- 9,970
- Bookmarks:
- 3,298
- Hits:
- 187,095
Bookmarked by cloudsofgray
17 Oct 2024