Recent works
He hasn’t changed much. She doesn’t know why she expected him to have, as if that’d be comfort enough to heal her grief. People don’t just change, no matter how much she wants to find an explanation for his sudden disappearance in the features of his face. But here, standing a few feet away from her, is the same man she shared a glass of whiskey with for countless nights, the same man she slept with over two years ago, on the day before Christmas Eve. The same man she fell in love with, had a relationship with, and broke up with. The same man she sat next to for days, as he recovered from two of the most difficult surgeries she’s ever had to perform. He is still the same man.
Tell me if you ever cared, if a single thought for me was spared by cesttoiquivois
Fandoms: Line of Duty (TV 2012)
12 Aug 2021
She wakes up everyday suffocating.
As if a rock has been placed on her chest.
But then she sees her and breathes again. -
She doesn’t know how often it happens. How many times she wakes up just to fall back asleep again. What she does know, it’s that each time her eyes close they’re met with horror and chaos. Screams of agony. Pain ripping her body to shreds.
Still, every time she wakes, she’s met with the overwhelming realisation that he is not here. And that is worse.
She fell in love the way one falls asleep, slowly and then all at once by cesttoiquivois
Fandoms: Bodyguard (TV 2018)
06 Jan 2021
She doesn"t mean to kiss him.
It"s cliché. Principal and bodyguard. Shacking up.
But she"s terrified and in his embrace, she forgets just how much.
But, Mulder isn"t here. He"s god knows where and the only thing she has left of him are two (yes, Bernie joined Molly in fish heaven) fish and a bunch of files gathering dust.
And William…
She looks at her reflexion in the mirror, unable and unwilling to hold the tears. She puts a hand on her now-flat stomach where she once held him safe.
He"s lost to her too.