- Original Work (2)
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tha fear air litir fhaighinn bho fhear eile a' faighneachd an tilleadh e gu Tombstone, Arizona, agus tha e caran mar ehh a bhalachaibh a bheil e gèidh faireachdainnean a bhith agad? a bheil mi ag iarraidh gaol agus càirdeas? chan eil mi ag iarraidh gun smaoinich daoine eile gu bheil a leithid rud ri faireachdainnean agam oir 's e fear cruaidh a th' annam >:( agus 's ann mu dheidhinn nan smuaintean aig an fhear a sgrìobh an litir a tha caibideil 2 agus thèid fear 1 gu Tombstone ann an caibideil 3 agus chì iad a-rithist a chèile
mise: bhiodh e snog sgeul gèidh a sgrìobhadh sa ghàidhlig às aonais mulad no bury your gays like, tha barrachd sgeulachdan gàidhlig mar sin a dhìth oirnn (ged a tha fios agam nach eil mi idir math air sgrìobhadh agus nach bi duine sam bith eile ga leughadh ach dìreach air mo shon fhèin)
mise às dèidh mionaid: uill 's e ''Bha fios aige gun robh e dol a bhàsachadh nuair a thuit e sìos'' a' chiad seantans a th'ann
duilich a chàirdean
agus tha fios agam gu bheil e pretentious agus uabhasach dona aig an aon àm
agus chan eil fios am carson a bhios mi a' sgrìobhadh mu dhaoine aig muir nuair a sgrìobhas mi ged nach eil sìon de dh'fhios agam ciamar a tha bàtaichean ag obair ('s ann a chionn 's gun robh mi ag iarraidh a bhith nam spuinneadair-mara nuair a bha mi òg)
duilich gu bheil e cho dona ach 's e thusa as coireach gu bheil agad ri dèiligeadh ris ma bhios tu ga leughadh
tha mi duilich son nam mearachdan cuideachd, dh'fheuch mi, ach chan eil mi idir fileanta sa ghàidhlig fhathast
Recent bookmarks
Roll On by jaxington
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
27 Aug 2016
In 1938, there's a bar in Brooklyn called Sully’s where people are safe to be themselves. Behind the bar, a girl pours drinks. She's always got a big smile for Steve and she says queer like it's a good thing. On a regular basis, she takes his shoulders in her hands and tries to shake sense into him, saying, "When will you do something about that best friend of yours?"
In 2012, Bucky’s gone, but Steve’s not, and the girl’s hands are too old to shake him. She does her best to make him see sense anyway.
Steve had people who loved him before the war, and it turns out a few of them are still around when he finally comes home.
- Part 1 of Roll On
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 89,113
- Chapters:
- 13/13
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 538
- Kudos:
- 2,284
- Bookmarks:
- 638
- Hits:
- 39,149
Bookmarked by cesario12
10 Dec 2024
A Store of Happiness by coyotesuspect for familiardevil
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
12 Mar 2018
Harry spends the summer after his third year living with Sirius and Professor Lupin.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 10,845
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 9
- Comments:
- 835
- Kudos:
- 20,095
- Bookmarks:
- 4,865
- Hits:
- 180,406
Bookmarked by cesario12
10 Dec 2022
After 9 years in Azkaban, Sirius Black was granted a late trial. He came to see Harry once he was free, but he saw something that made him decide to take his godson away from the Dursleys. From one thing to another, Remus brought Harry into his home. This story is about two broken hearts, fixing each other and raising The-Boy-Who-Lived...
Bookmarked by cesario12
11 Dec 2021
When Remus starts his English literature degree at the university of Oxford, it is a dream that becomes reality, but how can he forget all the things he's leaving behind? Navigating his degree while trying to make new friendships and preserve old ones happens to be more complicated than he thought.
This is a marauders' era muggle AU.
I do not, in any way, support JKR. This is a safe space for everybody.
Grant Chapman is an OC created by MsKingBean89 for her work "All the Young Dudes", I took the liberty of using him for this fic but he does not belong to me at all.Bookmarked by cesario12
11 Oct 2021
Alison finds a letter, and against all odds, the Captain and his Lieutenant are reunited.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 31,151
- Chapters:
- 20/20
- Collections:
- 2
- Comments:
- 873
- Kudos:
- 2,489
- Bookmarks:
- 440
- Hits:
- 32,456
Bookmarked by cesario12
10 Sep 2021