Gifts for benetnash
List of Gifts
Reserved for the Prime Minister by elenaf0x for benetnash
Fandoms: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses
19 Aug 2022
The Prime Minister and her husband Ferdinand, enjoying a night at the opera. Manuela would rather she and her husband share the seat, to his slight embarrassment but secret delight.
An Imperial Meal by Aceworu for benetnash
Fandoms: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses
26 Apr 2021
Edelgard and Hubert decide to initiate their lover Ferdinand into their very important meal habits.
prompt: "shark trying to defend his crush on sidon from breath of the wild to an unimpressed judgy kaito and a clearly uncomfortable yuuma who is trying so hard to be supportive and just making things worse"