Gifts for atypicalsnowman
List of Gifts
Post-it Notes by Chocopiggy for atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016)
08 Aug 2021
When Stephen left for dimensions unknown, he left a little blue butterfly behind. Magical, but impermanent.
When Tony went on business trips that took him across the world, the billionaire would scrawl a message on a post-it note. Stephen collected them in a photo album, always something to hold onto.
The sorcerer felt it was time to return the favour, and writes for the first time in years.
Prompt 20: A hand-written note
- Part 28 of Choco's MARVELous Fics
In Loving Agony by InkDippedFingertips for atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
29 Mar 2021
Tony was startled awake by the sound of muffled cursing and the sensation of something heavy sliding from his legs and toppling to the floor with a resounding noise. He sat up instantly, blinking his eyes blearily, grimacing as the low burning flames of the fireplace, the only light in the room, made them water.
- Part 243 of A Thousand Futures of Me and You
All the noises and the apathy the wheel's got a puncture, belief in a modern alchemy by cutebutpsyco for atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016)
26 Dec 2020
“What happened?” He asked, and while there was a bit of concern in his voice, the tone that struck Tony better was an annoyance. It wasn’t anything weird either, though, quite the opposite.
“I was working in the lab and something very heavy hit my face,” He said, trying for a playful tone that he knew would have hit home. It did and every concern disaèèear from Stephen’s face.
“The realization that I’m better than you?” He snarked back.
Love and Happiness by amethyst-noir (Arbonne) for atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
18 Nov 2020
It was so fucking easy to make Stephen happy with a few simple but heartfelt compliments and Tony was more than willing to do it over and over again.
- Part 3 of Soothe My Soul
Not Like This by InkDippedFingertips for atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
24 Aug 2020
Tony wasn't going to let things end like this. Not if he could help it.
- Part 233 of A Thousand Futures of Me and You
Louder Than Words by amethyst-noir (Arbonne) for atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Doctor Strange (2016), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
19 Jan 2020
"But… Pepper? Morgan?" It hurt just to think about the potential. Of what Stephen had to carry with him.
"Shhh. They are not here. You are. You realize that it's always you that draws me in, right? Everything else, whatever we end up being for each other - it always starts with the two of us. Anything - and anyone - else is optional, even if very treasured. You aren't. You are a constant in my life."
(Stephen's mind is torn apart by too many memories of too many doomed timelines and it falls to Tony to fix him. Thankfully, Tony is good at fixing not only broken things but also broken sorcerers.)
- Part 91 of Prompt Collection
- Part 19 of Bad Things Happen Bingo Collection
Tiger Mommy by trialanderror12 (windrise_harmonies) for atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies)
16 Mar 2015
For snow’s birthday, for the prompt “Loki is the Avengers’ den mother. None of the other Avengers understand what he’s doing.” Crack, as you can probably guess. Loki/Thor, because what else is there? Background Clint/Natasha and Steve/Tony.
The Variable Merits of Dowries by trialanderror12 (windrise_harmonies) for Sigynthefaithful, atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies)
11 Feb 2015
Sequel to What's in a name?.
Because Sigyn asked for more, and then snow wanted to know who the dowry was for, and damnit you guys since when do I write sequels to crack? /sigh
Mostly just an excuse for a short little bit of fluff. If I summarized it any further, you wouldn't need to read it. ;P
- Part 2 of Complete and Utter Crack
Now by trialanderror12 (windrise_harmonies) for atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
03 Feb 2015
Loki loses it. Thor doesn't react the way he expects (but gives him something he hadn't dared to hope for). Loki/Thor, maybe Tony/Steve (if you blink you'll miss it).
First Marvel!fic, go easy on me. Written for someone who will know who they are once I gather the courage to tell them this exists. (Anyone care to offer opinions as to whether or not I should do that?)
- Part 1 of Now and Again
Compromises by AnneScriblerian for atypicalsnowman
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
17 Jul 2013
Sometimes you have to be flexible.