- Tennis RPF (1)
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,,I think that I will present soon.” Andrey murmurs at some point.
,,Really why?
,,I don't know, I have been feeling weird lately.”
,,Well, it is not as bad as people say. You kind of just … you start to smell other people and they start to smell too and sometimes you get horny because of that, but it's okay.” Karen says.
,,It's easy to say that for you, you are an Alpha.”
,,Yeah and?” Karen asks, Andrey shrugs his shoulders.
,,I don't think I will be… I … I think I… Omega, Karen. I think I will present as an Omega.”--
Or Andrey presents as an Omega and now has to face the reality of what that means, as well as what live is like when you like someone you should not. Karen has never cared about society's roles anyway but he needs time to accept something else...
Bookmarked by atplibrary
20 Sep 2022