- Black Sails (1)
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This is the timeline that I've wanted to make for ages. If you have any additional footage - quotes that determine how long a journey takes, or other clues like dated notes, letters, or anything else, please let me know!
Many thanks to WindRyder, azarias, RunwayMarbles and RainbowSnek for adding valuable details!
Bookmarked by arhkym
09 Mar 2019
Charles loves the sea like he loves breathing.
"I must down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking."
~ 'Sea Fever' by John MasefieldSeries
- Part 2 of Sea Change
Bookmarked by arhkym
06 Dec 2018
Once upon a time, Flint was feeling very alone, but he wasn't the only one.
- Part 1 of Sea Change
Bookmarked by arhkym
06 Dec 2018
Art? (it's arguable) aka. The Blanket Fort of Gay by When_Tommy_Met_Alfie
Fandoms: Peaky Blinders (TV)
27 Dec 2018
Collected artworks from my tumblr: because here you can actually view it in full size. Made by yours truly! Rating may go up if I get up to something less innocent in the future. Now it's just fluff.
Edit: Now up (as chapter 3 of this story), a comic-ish version of a missing scene from chapter four of To live a life. Tommy is sad and lost in the rain.
- Part 34 of When Tommy met Alfie AU
Bookmarked by arhkym
03 Dec 2018
Every now and then, Death befriends a few of her victims. When he's wounded in the revolt against the Sheriff, Robin sees her again.
Bookmarked by arhkym
30 Nov 2018