Recent works
A product of multiple Allagan experiments, a man known only as Weapon Seventeen is called for his scheduled maintenance. The scientists can do whatever they want to him and he's fine with it. He has to be - they long since removed his ability to feel anything negative towards Allag.
- Part 3 of FFXIV One-Word Prompts
Estinien doesn't know why he keeps bringing Leonid to cold places without suitable clothing
- Part 2 of FFXIV One-Word Prompts
Despite his best efforts, Urianger can't hide the truth of the Light corruption from Fidys.
- Part 1 of FFXIV One-Word Prompts
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 401
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 2
- Hits:
- 42
Karasu gets put in his place
30 silly stories of my silly OCs and beloved characters, inspired by the prompt list posted by @meepfur on Twitter
I think not all of these really count as "fluff" BUT I'm having fun and that's what matters
Any stories with major spoilers have a warning in the summary
Recent series
A series of short fics based on randomly generated one-word prompts! So there's no knowing what I might end up writing. Some will be sweet, some angsty, some smutty, some just plain silly. The prompt will be the title of each piece (mainly because that saves me the trouble of trying to think of good titles LOL). They'll mostly be focusing on my many, many OCs and their love interests (whether OC or canon) but will probably have some canon/canon ones too ^^
- Words:
- 1,511
- Works:
- 3
Stories of Thedas by alexxwritesfic
Fandom: Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types
31 Aug 2022
- Words:
- 99,947
- Works:
- 7
- Bookmarks:
- 2
Recent bookmarks
Estinien looks down between his legs and grimaces. “Vrtra said a good orgasm will help take the edge off and recenter my aetherical focus.”
“I see.” Urianger steps between Estinien’s front paws and makes way toward his back legs. “Wouldst thou find offense if I proffered my help?”
Bookmarked by alexxwritesfic
04 Jan 2024
A house becomes a home; a seed is planted in a garden.
Bookmarked by alexxwritesfic
15 Mar 2023
Honnleath Furlough by CleverBlackCat
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age - All Media Types
22 Feb 2022
A little break in Honnleath.
Cullen Rutherford and Loryen Trevelyan are in a loving relationship, but they find it hard to spend time together, their lives dictated by the demands of the Inquisition.When the Inquisitor is finally given a few weeks of leave, Cullen decides to surprise her with a trip away from Skyhold, bringing her to his native Honnleath where they can sample a more peaceful, domestic life.
And get to know one another better.
Please note some chapters might be NSFW and will be marked as such * in the chapter index - nothing too explicit as such but worth tagging.
Like this pairing? Why not check out the ongoing longform about them hereSeries
- Part 4 of For There Is Music In All This
Bookmarked by alexxwritesfic
07 Feb 2022
A few years after the events of Trespasser. The Veil is torn apart and the Evanuris are back, driving Thedas into war. Ex-inquisitor Aodren Lavellan desperately tries to reach Solas, who might be the last hope to stop it. Chasing him through eluvians, Aodren ends up in a Thedas that looks like his own, but which definitely isn’t. He will have to navigate through this Thedas while searching for a way to go back home - and how to save it.
Bookmarked by alexxwritesfic
08 Dec 2021
Many things happen during the year following the dismantling of the Inquisition, especially for Cullen who doesn't know what “a normal life” means and struggles to fit in. Happily, the Inquisitor visits him often.
Or: 5 times Aodren Lavellan visits Cullen 1 time Cullen goes to clan LavellanSeries
- Part 1 of Saturated Souls
Bookmarked by alexxwritesfic
19 Mar 2021