Gifts for WriterAmongDreamers
List of Gifts
Goodbye by endsong for WriterAmongDreamers
Fandoms: Shadow and Bone (TV), The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo
04 Jan 2024
The Making isn't done until it says it's done.
A Cracked Defense by Silberias for WriterAmongDreamers
Fandoms: Shadow and Bone (TV), The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo
31 Dec 2023
Baghra drugs Alina's tea in an effort to find out what is keeping her from reaching her potential, but Alina ends up seeing a vision quite different than the one her teacher intended her to. Instead of her own past, her own greatest transgression against herself, she sees Aleksander and his past.
The General of the Second Army, Vladimir Kirigan, was just debating whether he could have a meal during the scheduled Grisha meeting when he was lurching forward and nearly hitting his face due to the sudden stop of the carriage.