There is a Child Within Us All
I'm over 30, I'm trans, and I've enjoyed writing since forever. I now have a personal website/blog that I'm aiming to keep updated located at The Archiving Ace which houses my original works if you are interested. (website is currently under construction and so doesn't exist)
If you want to scream at me, discuss fic, or what shall you hit up my tumblr which also has random notes about the universes of my fanfics and sometimes ranting/screaming about shows I'm into, games I'm into, and other random stuff. Or visit the discord for more of the same but in an easier to find format.
Wanna Make Art? Send me links if you make art based on my fic, I would love you forever. Or even just HMU on the discord or my tumblr with the art, that works too! I will literally pay you to have a copy of any art you make for the fic so I can stick it on my walls.
Wanna Podfic? Ask first. If granted approval, please list the original as "inspired by"
Wanna Translate? Ask First. If granted approval, please list the original as "inspired by"