Recent works
Maddy and Scott and the Neverending Honeymoon by TransWonderWoman
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Comicverse)
31 Dec 2020
Set during the days and weeks after Nathan Christopher Pryor-Summers was born, chronicling Maddy's feelings.
kids (are gonna do what they want) by eggosandxmen, TransWonderWoman for TransWonderWoman
Fandoms: New X-Men: Academy X, X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Comicverse)
18 Apr 2019
Laura and Sooraya Kinney-Qadir have a daughter. Said daughter travels back in time. It goes as you'd expect.
Rachel's Return by TransWonderWoman
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Comicverse)
27 Feb 2019
Rachel Grey is back, and her body feels like an alien thing. Something disconnected and unknowable, anonymous and strange. So she gets a tattoo!
Ruby by TransWonderWoman
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Comicverse), X-Factor (Comics)
25 Jan 2019
a short scene of Ruby and her dad
Mom and Step Dad X by TransWonderWoman for akiresu
Fandoms: New X-Men: Academy X, X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men - All Media Types
25 Dec 2018
Julian really has a very cursed day
Recent bookmarks
Filling out the moments between flashbacks in episode 4 from Kirsten's POV. The story of how Kirsten and Amy got together.
Gay pining and fluff and many police-based inaccuracies, I'm sure :)
Bookmarked by TransWonderWoman
08 Jan 2024
“I know once I heard you were alive, I—”
Shut up shut up shut up. Faith snapped her mouth shut, hoping Buffy was so wrapped up in what she was doing that she forgot Faith was talking.
That was a stupid thing to hope for. Buffy caught Faith’s eye immediately, turning all that earnest energy right on her. “You what?” Buffy asked. “Once you heard I was alive, you what?”
I busted the fuck out of jail and stole a car just so I could look at you.
A S6 AU: What if, when Faith heard Buffy was back from the dead, she decided to go back to Sunnydale?
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 23,267
- Chapters:
- 3/3
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 74
- Kudos:
- 687
- Bookmarks:
- 134
- Hits:
- 8,674
Bookmarked by TransWonderWoman
26 Jan 2023
Buffy and Faith have always communicated best when they're not relying on words at all.
don’t know how to stick around, but i wanna by chasingfictions
Fandom: Angel: the Series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)
24 May 2022
- An alternate universe where, instead of seeking redemption by going to jail, Faith joins the Fang Gang.
- Also in which Faith is a lesbian | Also, apparently, in which i do a full rewrite of AtS that answers the question what if AtS didn't hate women?
- (.... which like ... i DID say i wasnt gonna do a full rewrite i DID say this was just going to be vignettes about faith having a family and processing her trauma and doing fun gay shit.....and that went out the window like a few installments in and now i AM rewriting this entire TV series .... rewriting begrudingly but i am rewriting it nonetheless ..... AtS is my toxic boyfriend and i said "i can fix him" :)))- Words:
- 194,140
- Works:
- 7
- Bookmarks:
- 149
Bookmarked by TransWonderWoman
18 Nov 2021
The unpacked belongings had been shoved to one side, revealing strange chalk markings on the floor, what looked to Emma’s amateur eye like magic sigils. In the center of the room was a metal folding chair. Rachel knelt next to it, carefully not touching the chalk, looking up at the figure sitting in it, dormant.
Emma blinked. It was Jean. And also it wasn’t.
It was Jean’s body. To Emma’s normal eyes, she looked like she was sleeping, her chest rising and falling peacefully, her lips slightly parted. But to Emma’s mental eye there was a coiling thing where her mind should be. It felt slick and sharp at once, almost oily. Emma didn't get too close.
“You see the problem,” said Scott from where he stood by the door.
Bookmarked by TransWonderWoman
19 Sep 2020