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When Peter gets home from his morning run, Stiles is playing blanket burrito on the couch, watching the TV with a sour face. He knew it wouldn’t be easy for his boy, and he has half a mind to let him sulk, let him wallow in everything that’s happened.
Then he thinks better of it.
Dark AU
Alan Deaton’s farm had been rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing wild Weres for years. When the health benefits of the 'essence' of Alphas was discovered, they became more than just exotic pets, they became a valuable commodity. Federal legislation was passed to protect not only the habitats of the wild Weres, but to ensure that captive pets and livestock were treated humanely. If urban development encroached on a pack's land, the construction companies had to pay for them to be trapped and relocated or put with a licensed shelter.It was a win for the Weres, but now came the big question...Where to put them? Deaton's farm was one of the few in Northern California that was licensed to take in wild Weres. It's been a busy summer.
- Part 1 of Shelter
The war didn't turn out the way Alexandria, the Hilltop, and the Kingdom wanted, so the plan was to scatter; groups of six to ten sneaking off into all directions in the middle of the night. Daryl, Rick, and a small group take off to Georgia. They drown in memories as they retrace their footsteps. The trip back allows Rick and Daryl to figure out what they mean to one another, what they've always meant to one another.
If you have to wake up in the zombie apocalypse, there's something you might not know could be an advantage. No memory. Without the thoughts of loved ones to consume him, Rick Grimes is firstly concerned with the practicalities of his new life. Of course he's curious about who he was! It just... doesn't seem that important when the dead are walking around? He'll figure it out later.
- Part 1 of Dig In Deep
Daryl was leaving. It was senseless to stay. If he had ever had a reason to think about settling down, that reason was gone now, along with all his hopes and dreams. They didn’t need him here – Rick didn’t need him here. He had Michonne.
She was by his side now. She had his back and protected him against any possible danger out there. She had Carl’s love and confidence and took care of Judith. She was the person Rick asked for advice and to whom he turned when he needed company and someone to listen. She was everything Daryl used to be to Rick – and more.
After all of this time, Daryl had been replaced and rendered redundant. Slowly, silently, without a word, without a reason Rick had chosen to turn away from him and rely on her instead. Why stay another day?
There was nothing … no one for him here any longer.