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Shikamaru and Ino aren't anyone's first choice of time travellers.
They don't have the monstrous power to take on the akatsuki, they don't have the charisma to bring the alliance together early. They don't even have Choji.
They also don't have any other choice.
Lucky for the elemental nations, what the the remnants of team ten DO have is a mission: save those they love, no matter what.
Bookmarked by Tigerseye375
06 Dec 2024
We will light our way (with our lanterns on) by Jay13
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan
02 Sep 2024
It was a last-dich effort, a fool’s hope, when he dropped to his knees and prayed. Prayed to anyone that might hear his desperate pleas for help. It was often said that people connected most with their faith when at their lowest, when they were so far into the darkness, that light was but a distant memory. Nico had officially reached that point, yet he couldn’t feel further from his faith, from his family. What had he done to deserve their help, to deserve their care. He’d lied and deceived, attempted to kill his cousins, and taken his anger out on those that didn’t deserve it. He’d rejected all form of connection after the death of his sister, turned his back on those trying to help him. There were tears in his eyes as he begged, pleaded for not only help, but also forgiveness.
Once the tears started, they wouldn’t stop. In the depth of The Pit, on the banks of the Acheron, the son of Hades sobbed.
A look into the Romans attitude towards their new God, and Nico feeling the effects of being in the Pit
{look, summaries are not my strong suit ok :( }
- Part 8 of Eyes are the window to the soul
Bookmarked by Tigerseye375
01 Dec 2024
Harry Potter has been hiding a major secret during his three years at Hogwarts. During his Fourth Year, Harry struggles to keep his secret from everyone around him. Barty Crouch Jr. senses something is wrong with his Lord's little soulmate. The child is suffering and Barty seeks the truth.
- Part 28 of Tom/Harry fics
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 12,503
- Chapters:
- 10/?
- Collections:
- 2
- Comments:
- 285
- Kudos:
- 1,616
- Bookmarks:
- 470
- Hits:
- 32,726
Bookmarked by Tigerseye375
27 Nov 2024
you speak of the devil (like he's not your friend) by Amuria
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
15 Dec 2024
Harry finds a Horcrux the summer before his sixth year. A deal is struck.
(Or, when Harry wakes a seventeen-year-old Tom Riddle from the Gaunt's Ring, it is to a world where his future self has achieved none of their goals except one. Harry is proof that he's a great wizard after all.)
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 41,045
- Chapters:
- 10/31
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 128
- Kudos:
- 569
- Bookmarks:
- 158
- Hits:
- 8,390
Bookmarked by Tigerseye375
27 Nov 2024
Harry had always disliked the titles that were thrust upon him. First he was a freak, then he became the-boy-who-lived, and before he knew it he had been a liar, a traitor and the undesirable number one.
The point was, his names were numerous and they were all a pain in his ass. His newest one was no better, of course. Even in his wildest dreams he wouldn’t imagine Voldemort calling him his soulmate.
English is not my first language.
Bookmarked by Tigerseye375
26 Nov 2024