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After decades of torment from the Mountain, the ruling Commander, Lexa Kom Trikru, finally decided it's time to end the Mountain's reign of terror. With the help of her Coalition, Lexa plans to march against the Mountain to usher an era of peace.
Calling upon the Ambassadors of the 12 Clans to plan the war, the Commander's curiosity was peaked when the High General of Azgeda arrived reigniting memories and feelings buried in the past.
Australian doctor Clarke Griffin knew when she immigrated to Cork, Ireland, that her life would change. She just hadn’t accounted for Irish musician Lexa serenading her in a pub, nor that the musician and her small son would begin to take up a not-so-small place in her life. Not that Clarke was complaining.
Eight Strand Brand - Part 1: Say the Words by justanotherdeathwalker
Fandoms: Motherland: Fort Salem (TV)
13 Oct 2022
{UPDATED} The Call to Conscription spell marks every witch with a brand- a magical tattoo of a a four strand scourge's whip wrapped around their forearm, bearing the colors of a units magical affinities and said to predict how well a unit will perform. This year however, one unit has been branded with an eight strand brand, as well as soul marks. Will cadets Abigail Bellweather, Tally Craven and Raelle Collar rise to their potential? Or will the Bellweather Unit fail? General Alder's brand is somehow affected by the Call this year, as is the cursed scar she has carried since the day she called her storm upon men. Two lost witchlings survive a spree attack and find their way to Fort Salem and the home they never knew existed. The Witches of the High Command Coven navigate everything that life throws at them with love and grace.
Here at Fort Salem... A witch's place.
Tues 19 Feb 2019 Ch 1-2
Weds 20 Feb2019 Ch 3-9
Thurs 21 Feb 2019 Ch 10-15
Fri 22 Feb 2019 Ch 16-21
Sat 23 Feb 2019 Ch 22-27
Sun 24 Feb 2019 Ch 28-37
Mon 25 Feb 2019 Ch 38-43
Tues 26 Feb 2019 Ch 44-50
Weds 27 Feb 2019 Ch 51-58
Thurs 28 Feb 2019 Ch 59-67
Fri 1 Mar 2019 Ch 68- WIPSeries
- Part 1 of Salem's Saga -- Eight Strand Brand
Conscripted witches and normal soldiers. With the current global conflict becoming more and more dangerous and spreading, War College was rarely an option anymore. So, Raelle, Abigail, and Tally find themselves out on their first deployment against the racial anti-witch group, the Camarilla. While there, they discover not everything is quite so black and white, including love in some instances...
Alternate universe, witches and normal soldiers
(so I say) Thank you for the music by clexawastheshipofdreams, Vissticks
Fandoms: Motherland: Fort Salem (TV)
30 Jun 2023
The Unit and Scylla meet at a music festival in Belgium, what follows is loads of booze, banter, bad puns & epic music.