Naomi Green (TheonnaQueen)

Recent works

Recent series

  1. Summary

    This is set in a Happy AU of the sequel trilogy with parts of the original trilogy and Star Wars legends included.

    Since this is AU, there are some minor changes, mostly to the Sequel Trilogy events, using information from Before the Awakening by Greg Rucka. Instead of Lieutenant Muran dying when his starfighter is caught in the Yissiria Zyde's hyperspace wave he is only injured. This still results in Rapier Squad (with Muran) leaving the Republic to join the Resistance.

    Events of The Last Jedi are also altered. The Resistance manages to evacuate D'Qar without losing the bombers and most of the starfleet. They are caught by the First Order over Crait. The bridge is still attacked but not as bad. This means Leia and Ackbar are badly injured but live and Holdo is put in temporary command. Poe still tries to mutiny and they do get into the escape pods but instead of using the Holdo Maneuver on the Supremacy, she rams the ship to disable it and give time for The Echo of Hope to reenforce them. Everyone lives and manages to escape Crait.

    Events of The Rise of Skywalker are only altered to allow Snap Wexley, Leia, and almost everyone to survive the Battle of Exegol.

