- Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (19)
- Supernatural (TV 2005) (17)
- Moana (Disney Animated Movies) (14)
- Once Upon a Time (TV) (14)
- Merlin (TV) (5)
Recent works
Sam Winchester makes a deal with Crowley offering his freedom in exchange for his heart... What will happen when Dean finds out...what will become of their relationship?
Clarke was left behind on earth when her friends go into space without her and the rest of the world has gone down into the bunker..
But she is not as alone as she had believed for Lexa had died without sharing a very important secret..that there were actually supposed to be nine people at her enclave.. instead of 8 Luna was not the last of the Black bloods..Lexa had a twin brother..
A Trainers Attraction.. by TheAssButtWithManyFandoms (TheFandomIdjit)
Fandoms: Pocket Monsters: X & Y | Pokemon X & Y Versions
09 May 2018
eighteen year old Ash is unable to look his friend in the face after having a very vivid and crazy dream..can he ever look past it...and what would his friend say when the dream is shared in honesty...will it destroy the very friendship they have or will Serena's answer hold a surprising outcome?
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 704
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Kudos:
- 31
- Hits:
- 2,742
When Crowley's mother decides she wants the Throne of Hell to herself.. Sam finds himself in the middle of things when Rowena's plan involves the brother's as well..
How will Sam deal with a suddenly very annoying Crowley? and can he put Crowley to rights? and if they find the cure will he want to use it by the time it's found? as they get closer to a cure Sam finds his heart getting closer and closer to Crowley!
Cas and Dean's wedding are interrupted by The British Men of letters and the only way to save Cas and Dean from Death is for Sam to make a very difficult sacrifice that will may mean never seeing Dean or Cas ever again when he makes a deal with Crowley in trade..
When Sam becomes Crowley's ward and slave forever ever he is put through torture, and abuse of many levels that will test Sam's spirits..but what happens when suddenly things between hunter and Demon starts to change?
Recent series
Can't fight this feeling any more by TheAssButtWithManyFandoms (TheFandomIdjit)
Fandom: Supernatural
15 Apr 2018
- Words:
- 1,709
- Works:
- 2
Phineas and Ferb: Moments with Jeremy by TheAssButtWithManyFandoms (TheFandomIdjit)
Fandom: Phineas and Ferb
15 Mar 2018
- Words:
- 603
- Works:
- 1
- Bookmarks:
- 1
A very Crowley Christmas by TheAssButtWithManyFandoms (TheFandomIdjit)
Fandom: Supernatural
21 Nov 2017
- Words:
- 1,502
- Works:
- 1
- Words:
- 5,523
- Works:
- 2
- Bookmarks:
- 3
- Words:
- 1,377
- Works:
- 1
- Bookmarks:
- 3
Recent bookmarks
"How many years has it been since I lost what it means to love or be loved? How many years has it been since I've even cared about love at all? The answer was simple. Too many."
What if Crowley's feelings took a different turn? (I got stuck on the "I just want to be loved" line.) Pseudo Mooseley & not Moosely
Bookmarked by TheAssButtWithManyFandoms (TheFandomIdjit)
19 Apr 2018
Dean is overcome with guilt about not being able to stop Castiel from taking in all the souls from Purgatory. He cannot stop wondering what he could have done to stop the angel from making the decisions that lead to his death.
Dean knows he should be focussing on a way to free Sam from his hallucinations of Lucifer and to stop the Leviathans but he is consumed with thoughts of Castiel.
Dean finally admits to himself what he has been denying for so long......and then the dreams begin.
Meanwhile, a man with no memories begins to feel that he belongs somewhere else.....Bookmarked by TheAssButtWithManyFandoms (TheFandomIdjit)
30 Dec 2017
It isn’t perfect… but Sam’s found a Dom willing to work with no questions asked on his issues with Lucifer and his memories. The only catch was that Sam had to call him “King”.
The next thing Sam has to learn though, is accepting when maybe something works a little too well...Bookmarked by TheAssButtWithManyFandoms (TheFandomIdjit)
25 Dec 2017
“Hey, Cupcake Police.” Dean beams as he pushes through the glass doors. A bell chimes, the aroma of coffee permeate the air, and the tangy sweet scent of lemon cuts through the bittersweetness. It’s been a couple months since Dean stepped into this bakery for the first time and had his feet kicked from under him by a man with brilliant blue eyes.
Those blue eyes are glaring at Dean now, and instead of a greeting, Cas says with ice chips in his voice, “We’re closed.”
When Dean pays Castiel a second visit, the reception isn't what he expected.
- Part 2 of The Cupcake Verse
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 3,584
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 47
- Kudos:
- 774
- Bookmarks:
- 29
- Hits:
- 10,267
Bookmarked by TheAssButtWithManyFandoms (TheFandomIdjit)
19 Nov 2017
I’m horrible at writing summaries, but here goes. Set after the boys went their separate ways. Sam called Dean to tell him that he was Lucifer’s vessel, only to have his brother tell him how much better they were apart. Hurt, and afraid, Sam did the only thing that he thought might work to keep Lucifer from claiming his vessel. Unfortunately, he woke up anyways. Only, when he woke, it was to find the Trickster of all people sitting on the bed across from him.
He hadn’t expected to see him of all people there, and he certainly hadn’t expected to find him in his car the next morning, announcing that he was going to be traveling with him. Together, they set out, one to try and stop this whole thing, and the other for reasons that he keeps to himself.
Loki’s open about his opinion that Sam is going to eventually say ‘yes’. To him, it’s not even a question To Sam, it’s the one thing he’s determined to keep from happening.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 132,781
- Chapters:
- 23/23
- Collections:
- 2
- Comments:
- 326
- Kudos:
- 2,504
- Bookmarks:
- 810
- Hits:
- 55,378
Bookmarked by TheAssButtWithManyFandoms (TheFandomIdjit)
14 Nov 2017