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Natalie Shields's life was bad enough that she joined Detroit's Bloodhound gang in a desperate attempt at survival. She endured its brutal initiation and its harsh rules with a strength that belied her young age. However, when strangers from out east showed up one day to punish the Hounds' leader, she believed that her time was finally up and wasn't concerned with the fact.
It turned out that she was wrong. It turned out that one of the strangers thought it would fun to drag her back to Baltimore as a way to torment the wife of the Butcher of Baltimore.
Nathaniel Wesninski ends up with a foster sister to teach him a lesson - that he's responsible for the actions of others. He's used to his father finding excuses to punish him so he accepts Natalie, pleased to have someone to play Exy with and who doesn't hurt him, someone who turns into a sister for real. Someone who stays by his side as they enter the Nest and become assets to the Moriyamas.
Bookmarked by That_human
17 Dec 2024
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Archive Warning:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Neil Josten/Andrew MinyardAllison Reynolds/Renee Walker (All For The Game)Katelyn/Aaron MinyardMatt Boyd/Danielle "Dan" WildsAbby Winfield/David WymackNicky Hemmick/Erik KloseKevin Day/Jeremy Knox/Jean MoreauJeremy Knox/Jean MoreauKevin Day/Jean MoreauNeil Josten & Renee WalkerNeil Josten & Jean MoreauNeil Josten & Renee Walker & Jean MoreauRenee Walker/OCKevin Day/Thea Muldani
Neil JostenRenee Walker (All For The Game)Jean MoreauRiko MoriyamaIchirou MoriyamaKevin DayTetsuji MoriyamaMary HatfordNathan WesninskiLola MalcolmRomero MalcolmPatrick DiMaccioAndrew MinyardThe Ravens (All For The Game)Aaron MinyardNicky HemmickAllison Reynolds (All For The Game)Danielle "Dan" WildsThea MuldaniKengo MoriyamaMatt BoydSeth GordonJanie SmallsBetsy DobsonAbby WinfieldOriginal Male Character(s)Original Female Character(s)Stuart Hatford
Additional Tags:
Neil Josten as Nathaniel WesninskiDomestic ViolenceCanonical Child AbuseImplied/Referenced Rape/Non-conall rape/non-con is in the pastDrug UseDark Neil Jostenthis is a bit dark okay?there is a lot of violence hereTortureneil and renee do a lot of the killingRaven!Neilraven!reneeBAMF Neil JostenBAMF renee walkerdark renee walkerneil and renee as siblingsjean is the sassiest baguette you'll (probably) ever seeAlternate Universe - Canon DivergenceDemisexual neilBisexual Kevinandrew is still his usual gay disaster selfneil and renee are the co-leads of the 'protect jean' clubrenee is very serious about consentRenee walker as natalie shieldsDO NOT REPOST OR UPLOAD ELSEWHEREMinor Character Deathdeaths staged as suicideImplied/Referenced Underage Prostitutionandrew will never let wymack forget that he didn't practice safe sexneil/jean/renee cuddle pilejean calls neil and renee out on their stabby habits
Everything That Is, Casts A Shadow
Natalie Shields's life was bad enough that she joined Detroit's Bloodhound gang in a desperate attempt at survival. She endured its brutal initiation and its harsh rules with a strength that belied her young age. However, when strangers from out east showed up one day to punish the Hounds' leader, she believed that her time was finally up and wasn't concerned with the fact.
It turned out that she was wrong. It turned out that one of the strangers thought it would fun to drag her back to Baltimore as a way to torment the wife of the Butcher of Baltimore.
Nathaniel Wesninski ends up with a foster sister to teach him a lesson - that he's responsible for the actions of others. He's used to his father finding excuses to punish him so he accepts Natalie, pleased to have someone to play Exy with and who doesn't hurt him, someone who turns into a sister for real. Someone who stays by his side as they enter the Nest and become assets to the Moriyamas.
Lola survives and Neil must face her again, this time in court. Despite months of anticipation and meticulous preparation, he still comes up short against Lola's particular brand of cruelty.
written for AFTG Then & Never Fest 2024
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 10,328
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 48
- Kudos:
- 438
- Bookmarks:
- 106
- Hits:
- 2,386
Bookmarked by That_human
08 Dec 2024
Bookmarker's Tags:
Bookmarker's Notes
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
Neil JostenAndrew MinyardLola Malcolm
Additional Tags:
AFTG Then & Never Fest 2024Alternate Universe - Canon DivergencePost-CanonLola Malcom's TrialAngstNeil Josten WhumpHurt/ComfortPast Child AbusePast TortureImplied/Referenced Rape/Non-conGraphic Descriptions of all thatdetailed trigger warnings in notes
AFTG Then & Never
scavenger's hunt
Lola survives and Neil must face her again, this time in court. Despite months of anticipation and meticulous preparation, he still comes up short against Lola's particular brand of cruelty.
written for AFTG Then & Never Fest 2024
Voldemort has won. The Order has fallen. Harry Potter is dead.
Five years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger is pulled from Azkaban and forced to compete in the Dark Tournament against fellow fallen Order Members.
The Goblet of Shadows assigns each high ranking Death Eater a Champion. The Champion who wins the games will get to go free and their master, one of Voldemort’s Scions, will have secured their position as his Successor.
With Hermione being assigned to Draco Malfoy, the highest ranking Scion, she may have a chance.
There can only be one victor, one survivor and one shot at freedom.
Let the games begin.
NOT ABANDONED. I upload every 3-4ish months in batches of 7-10 chapters.
Russian Translation by Ana-Scorpio
Spanish Translation by nansweet07
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 197,856
- Chapters:
- 48/?
- Collections:
- 4
- Comments:
- 1,647
- Kudos:
- 3,262
- Bookmarks:
- 2,033
- Hits:
- 184,762
Bookmarked by That_human
03 Dec 2024
Bookmarker's Tags:
Bookmarker's Collections:
Bookmarker's Notes
Archive Warnings:
Graphic Depictions Of ViolenceMajor Character DeathRape/Non-Con
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Hermione Granger/Draco MalfoySeamus Finnigan/Dean ThomasNeville Longbottom/Ginny WeasleyCho Chang/Parvati Patil
Hermione GrangerHarry PotterRon WeasleyGinny WeasleyNeville LongbottomLuna LovegoodDraco MalfoyTheodore NottBlaise ZabiniGregory GoyleGeorge WeasleyPadma PatilParvati PatilSeamus FinniganNarcissa Black MalfoyLucius MalfoyTom Riddle | VoldemortFenrir GreybackBellatrix Black LestrangeTeddy LupinMolly WeasleyAugusta LongbottomDudley DursleyCho ChangDennis CreeveyDaphne GreengrassPansy ParkinsonHerdrian ParkinsonAstoria GreengrassCharlie WeasleyMarcus FlintA bunch of Death EatersMinor Original Characters - CharacterOriginal Characters
Additional Tags:
TortureStarvationPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSDImprisonmentRape/Non-con ElementsSuicideSexual ViolenceViolenceBlood and GoreSelf-HarmCuttingSlow BurnEnemies to LoversDark MagicBlood MagicExplicit Sexual ContentHorcruxesTriwizard Tournament (Harry Potter)BAMF Hermione GrangerBAMF Draco MalfoyBAMF Ginny WeasleyPack DynamicsBAMF Luna LovegoodAlternate Universe - Voldemort WinsOcclumency (Harry Potter)Gang RapeDark as in really fucking darkDeath eaters are not nice so yes it’s darkDARK OK ITS DARKInspired by The Hunger GamesAs HEA as it’s going to get for the shit they go throughYes Hermione’s rage will be epicLots of plots and mysteriesAll shall be answeredsuper fucking slow burnNo non-con between Draco and Hermione
Language:EnglishCollections:miss americana and the heartbreak prince, Dark dramione!, Dramione god tier, BAMF Hermione GrangerStats:Published:2022-10-19Updated:2024-11-08Words:197,856Chapters:48/?Comments:1,622Kudos:3,208Bookmarks:1,996Hits:179,184
Goblet Of Shadows
Summary:Voldemort has won. The Order has fallen. Harry Potter is dead.
Five years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger is pulled from Azkaban and forced to compete in the Dark Tournament against fellow fallen Order Members.
The Goblet of Shadows assigns each high ranking Death Eater a Champion. The Champion who wins the games will get to go free and their master, one of Voldemort’s Scions, will have secured their position as his Successor.
With Hermione being assigned to Draco Malfoy, the highest ranking Scion, she may have a chance.
There can only be one victor, one survivor and one shot at freedom.
Let the games begin.
NOT ABANDONED. I upload every 3-4ish months in batches of 7-10 chapters.
Russian Translation by Ana-Scorpio
Spanish Translation by nansweet07
Threequel to Somewhere Only We Know and I Will Follow You Into the Dark
It has been six years since the death of Voldemort and the wizarding world is finally getting back on track. As far as Draco is concerned, this is the first time in his life he can remember feeling peaceful. The only thing plaguing his mind is what was running through his mind when he decided becoming Headmaster of Hogwarts was a good idea and how he was going to successfully hire anyone that would want to work for a former Death Eater.
That was until someone decided to make it their mission to take the thing Draco loved more than anything in the world, while simultaneously ruining the new world he'd been helping to rebuild after Voldemort. Hermione had become a target and Draco would have to choose between staying the passive, self-reserved man he now portrayed himself as, or falling back into his murderous Death Eater ways to keep his wife and kids safe.
- Part 3 of Dramione Dark AU Series
Bookmarked by That_human
03 Dec 2024
Bookmarker's Tags:
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Bookmarker's Notes
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Hermione Granger/Draco MalfoyRemus Lupin/Nymphadora TonksPadma Patil/Charlie WeasleyTheodore Nott/Blaise Zabini
Hermione GrangerDraco MalfoyRemus LupinNymphadora TonksBlaise ZabiniPadma PatilCharlie WeasleyScorpius MalfoyTeddy LupinTheodore NottOriginal Malfoy Characters (Harry Potter)Original Fawley Family Characters (Harry Potter)
Additional Tags:
dramione - FreeformAlternate Universe - DarkPost-WarMinister for Magic Hermione Grangerheadmaster draco malfoyPOV Draco MalfoyDraco Malfoy and Remus Lupin friendshipDraco Malfoy & Blaise Zabini FriendshipDraco Malfoy & Theodore Nott FriendshipMalfoy ChildrenDaddy DracoLife after VoldemortdragonboyPadma Patil is the best healerHermione and Theo constantly running PR for DracoMarried Hermione Granger/Draco MalfoyHogwarts chose DracoWork In ProgressThe fluff portion of this serieslet there be fluffMarried Theo Nott/Blaise ZabiniSong: COME TOGETHER (Demi Lovato)threequelGay Theodore NottBisexual Blaise ZabiniFluff
Language:EnglishSeries:← Previous Work Part 3 of Dramione Dark AU SeriesStats:Published:2024-04-12Updated:2024-11-13Words:51,316Chapters:16/?Comments:68Kudos:59Bookmarks:35Hits:4,360
Come Together
Threequel to Somewhere Only We Know and I Will Follow You Into the DarkIt has been six years since the death of Voldemort and the wizarding world is finally getting back on track. As far as Draco is concerned, this is the first time in his life he can remember feeling peaceful. The only thing plaguing his mind is what was running through his mind when he decided becoming Headmaster of Hogwarts was a good idea and how he was going to successfully hire anyone that would want to work for a former Death Eater.
That was until someone decided to make it their mission to take the thing Draco loved more than anything in the world, while simultaneously ruining the new world he'd been helping to rebuild after Voldemort. Hermione had become a target and Draco would have to choose between staying the passive, self-reserved man he now portrayed himself as, or falling back into his murderous Death Eater ways to keep his wife and kids safe.
Ladies always rise above...but sometimes they get beneath someone else.
When Hermione hears that Ron cheated on her--again--she's determined to get revenge, though that's never been her strong suit. Luckily for her, Draco Malfoy knows exactly how to help.
written for DHR month 2023
Bookmarked by That_human
03 Dec 2024
Bookmarker's Tags:
Bookmarker's Collections:
Bookmarker's Notes
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Hermione Granger/Draco MalfoyHermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Hermione GrangerDraco MalfoyRon WeasleyHorace SlughornSeamus FinniganLavender Brown
Additional Tags:
Hogwarts Eighth YearHogwarts EraPost-Battle of HogwartsAlternate Universe - Canon DivergenceHarry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWEOne ShotExplicit Sexual ContentPraise KinkExhibitionismSmutPlot What Plot/Porn Without PlotShameless SmutRivals With BenefitsCheating Ron WeasleyRon Weasley BashingPOV Hermione GrangerPast Hermione Granger/Ron WeasleyInspired by Taylor SwiftSong: Vigilante Shit (Taylor Swift)
Dressing for Revenge
Ladies always rise above...but sometimes they get beneath someone else.When Hermione hears that Ron cheated on her--again--she's determined to get revenge, though that's never been her strong suit. Luckily for her, Draco Malfoy knows exactly how to help.
written for DHR month 2023