Lady Strange
hello. i am smol and tired and friendly. i love reading fanfic and i always make it a point to comment on any work i read all the way through. (don't get me started on the current climate of feedback in fandoms.) i love reading all the comments left on my works, and i reply to all of them.
i am using the archive as....well, an archive for all of my writing, both fanfic and original. i've collected all the posts from my account (synnerxx) and my lj comm (synner_fiction) and from my tumblr page (ocean-of-fiction-blue).
find me on social media if you wanna connect:
twitter: synnerxx
tumblr: ocean-of-fiction-blue
telegram: synnerxx
instagram: ladyxstrange
general fandom tumblr: fandom-discussionspermission to make translations, fanart, fanmixes, audiofic: granted. give me links so i can promote it and shower you with love!
permission to post my works on other sites: denied.
permission to remix my works/borrow from my works: message me about it on social media somewhere.
permission to rewrite/write sequels to my works: denied.
i don’t take prompts or requests for fic unless otherwise stated in the notes of a particular fic.
icon made by: collapsingnight on lj.