Gifts for StrikeMyHeart
List of Gifts
Happier than I deserve by hobbeshalftail3469 for LulaIsAKitten, Lucinda, blueymoon, EllieCrickets, Estie, PPMKatie, ZoeSong, die_Frau, Tottenham15, TBestigui, StrikeMyHeart, Nessa_Val, In the eye of the beholder, under_my_blue_umbrella
Fandoms: Cormoran Strike Series - Robert Galbraith
24 Dec 2019
The lovely Lucinda sent a prompt to the lovely LulaIsAKitten and in January of this year the fic, I Am No Bird took shape. It was basically a version of the Strike story and characters set in Regency England, and was jolly good fun indeed.
I promised a Christmas Special......Colonel Strike and his wife Venetia will have been married for about a year and obviously, given how rampant they got in the 'E' rated follow up (Reader, I married Him) she is now expecting and close to her confinement.
Dust off your fans and corsets again and join me as I count down a very unique and hopefully enjoyable Advent Calendar which should nicely lead up to the Boxing Day Spectacular being organised by lemon_Verbena (please join in that will be ace!) - the idea behind the titles for the chapters is to imagine opening the door to a day on the advent calendar and be met by a suitably festive image....although whether I'll be able to come up with 24 is another issue entirely!
Most of all, enjoy!Series
Reader, I married him. by hobbeshalftail3469 for LulaIsAKitten, StrikeMyHeart, Roza_VA_Belikov, Nessa_Val, blueymoon, under_my_blue_umbrella, die_Frau
Fandoms: Cormoran Strike Series - Robert Galbraith
18 Feb 2019
So, here is the short-ish follow up which has allowed the 80,000 words of pent up smut to burst out of me....I thought I did rather well to curtail it for I am no bird!!!
This is a little bit of scene setting of their wedding - I needed that to justify a 'plot' in my own mind!
Then it is a wedding night.....ENJOY!
I have gifted it to several whom I know will appreciate, or are waiting for, the smuttiness......if I have omitted you then I clearly consider you to have less smutty tastes.....if I'm wrong, my apologies and enjoy it anyway!!!Series
“You were cold.” by LulaIsAKitten for StrikeMyHeart
Fandoms: Cormoran Strike Series - Robert Galbraith
02 Sep 2018
Continuing the series of shorts of possible first kisses between these two.
- Part 41 of First Kisses
“Can we please forget that ever happened?” by LulaIsAKitten for StrikeMyHeart
Fandoms: Cormoran Strike Series - Robert Galbraith
03 Jul 2018
Continuing the series of shorts of possible first kisses between these two. Got a few ideas. Feel free to submit prompts for anything you’d like to see in the comments below or over on Tumblr at lulacat3.
- Part 23 of First Kisses