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lay me down in the river (wash this place away) by siriuspiggyback
Fandoms: The Umbrella Academy (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types
06 Jun 2020
“So,” said Dave, folding his arms. “Your name?”
The man opposite licked his lips, eyes cutting between his hands and Dave’s face. Eventually, just as he was beginning to think that the ‘trooper wouldn’t crack, he said, “Designation KL-0040.”
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 37,033
- Chapters:
- 24/24
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 1,052
- Kudos:
- 1,083
- Bookmarks:
- 238
- Hits:
- 15,040
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
17 Dec 2024
For the first twelve years of his life, Klaus' powers were barely useful as he was unable to see nor hear any more of the dead than shadowy figures or unintelligible voices. It was only after he took a rather nasty tumble down the stairs and broke his jaw, prompting Reginald to allow Klaus to be given a small dose of morphine, that he was able to fully connect to the plane between the living and the dead.
An AU in which drugs have the opposite effect on Klaus' powers.
- Part 1 of From the Brink
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 151,914
- Chapters:
- 27/27
- Collections:
- 7
- Comments:
- 841
- Kudos:
- 1,084
- Bookmarks:
- 224
- Hits:
- 22,760
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
10 Dec 2024
The apocalypse happens, Five arrives in the rubble, and his entire family is dead.
However, one of them has power over ghosts. And even if being dead seriously sucks sometimes, Klaus is going to be there for his brother.
- Words:
- 258,046
- Works:
- 10
- Bookmarks:
- 1,539
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
09 Dec 2024
Take My Hand (Life Could Be Better Than This) by Shadowscast
Fandoms: The Umbrella Academy (TV)
12 Mar 2021
It's 2015. Ben is dead, but he's doing his best to keep his brother alive. It's not easy, when Klaus's first priority is to stay high all the time.
In the midst of a particularly rough patch, the ghost of a soldier shows up claiming to know Klaus from the Vietnam War. Weird, right?
But as it turns out, a timely intervention by this dead soldier may just turn everything around—Klaus's relationship with his siblings, his relationship with his powers, and (does Ben even dare to hope?) his relationship with drugs.
(What is this fic about, actually? I'm going with: Klaus/Life enemies-to-lovers slowburn.)
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 167,492
- Chapters:
- 34/34
- Collections:
- 7
- Comments:
- 2,130
- Kudos:
- 2,558
- Bookmarks:
- 869
- Hits:
- 57,679
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
09 Dec 2024
Dave is new in town, and looking for a way to make friends. His coworker, Vanya, invites him to join the Dungeons & Dragons game she runs for her siblings.
She warns Dave that her family can be a bit much, but nothing could have prepared Dave for the experience of meeting her brother Klaus.
(Dave might be falling in love with a manic raccoon nightmare boy.)
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 78,021
- Chapters:
- 18/18
- Collections:
- 2
- Comments:
- 812
- Kudos:
- 623
- Bookmarks:
- 151
- Hits:
- 12,343
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
09 Dec 2024
Diego didn't mean to forget about Klaus, but between the impending apocalypse and Vanya's new powers, the mystery of his brother disappearance had fallen by the wayside. It wasn't until he received a phone call from the hospital that he thought to panic.
Now he was stuck with a brother who didn't remember him, and a family that had narrowly avoided ending the world by lack of communication alone. Great.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 35,289
- Chapters:
- 26/26
- Collections:
- 2
- Comments:
- 1,349
- Kudos:
- 2,672
- Bookmarks:
- 584
- Hits:
- 34,463
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
06 Dec 2024
Oddities Observed, Vietnam 1968 by momebie (katilara)
Fandoms: The Umbrella Academy (TV)
12 Mar 2019
“There are people who care whether you live or die,” Dave said, because he felt it needed saying.
He couldn’t imagine not caring. This man was erratic, but he was also fragile in a way Dave couldn’t quite put his finger on given how he was apparently also indestructible, and deeply intuitive about people and their moods. When he wasn’t as high as the army doctors’ pills and black-market heroin would allow, he was paying attention. Dave knew, because while Klaus was paying attention to the others, he was paying attention to Klaus.
“Do you think?” Klaus pulled a joint out of his metal cigarette case, lit it, and took a hit. He offered it to Dave, who didn’t take it. He was always offering his things to Dave, even when he knew they weren’t things Dave wanted.
“Yes,” he said. “I do.”
(Or, Vietnam, but from Dave's point of view.)
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
05 Dec 2024
It is early summer, and Winifred Martine Marya Van Eck cuts her hair.
The summer swells, and Winnie Van Eck learns some things. She learns that she likes how she looks with short hair, likes it when her boyfriend calls her good, and maybe - maybe - likes the thought of being someone new.
- Part 12 of Trans Crows
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 16,786
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 69
- Kudos:
- 334
- Bookmarks:
- 42
- Hits:
- 4,190
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
20 Nov 2024
So have you got the guts? by holdonloosely
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV)
08 Oct 2024
Inej stared at the pot. The broth was golden and shimmery. “If I do it can I have some soup?”
“You want to use me sexually for your own material gain and you want my dinner?” Kaz asked, seeming almost impressed with her ambition.
“It just smells so good–wait, really?”
“Fortune favors the bold,” Kaz said blandly.
Inej needs housing for her last year of uni. Enter Kaz Brekker.
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
15 Nov 2024
I Know Places by freelancestargazing
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV)
12 Feb 2024
“Why do you hate me so much?” Wylan demands. He crosses his arms over his chest, his brows furrow, and his lips downturn in a pout that’s probably supposed to be intimidating, but instead is irritatingly endearing.
Jesper huffs. “Do you want the list alphabetically, or in order of annoyingness?”
“Before this week, before the wedding, we’d had exactly one interaction, seven years ago, and on our second interaction ever, you shoved me into a cake.”
“You shoved me, you royal douchebag.”
Or: Jesper is the First Son of the President of Novyi Zem and Wylan is the Crown Prince of Kerch. Their respective countries have an already politically contentious relationship that is made worse by an altercation between the two at the Kerch king's wedding. To fix this, they intend to fake a long-term friendship to the media, but what happens when friendship becomes romance? What happens when two boys with very public lives and deeply personal secrets fall in love? What risk is worth the love of a lifetime?
Updates weekly.
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
13 Nov 2024
The Measure of Magic by Feriku
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
12 Apr 2020
The Van Ecks are one of the oldest and proudest wizarding families to ever attend Hogwarts, but Jan Van Eck has a dark secret: his son Wylan is a Squib.
When Wylan narrowly escapes his father's attempt to kill him, he falls in with a group of young witches and wizards who have no idea who he is. Claiming to be a wizard himself, Wylan finds himself with friends for the first time in his life - and maybe more than friends, if Jesper's constant flirtation means anything.
But with the next year at Hogwarts quickly approaching, it's only a matter of time before Wylan's lie falls to pieces...
(Six of Crows Harry Potter AU; if you aren't a Harry Potter fan, the major things you need to know are that Hogwarts is a wizarding school, Muggles are regular people without magic, and a Squib is a person without magic despite being born into a witch/wizard family.)
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 40,461
- Chapters:
- 20/20
- Comments:
- 265
- Kudos:
- 1,382
- Bookmarks:
- 229
- Hits:
- 18,392
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
11 Nov 2024
the handmaid by MaudeAlise
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV)
08 Aug 2023
It’s a relatively straightforward job: Jesper will pretend to be the handmaid to the withdrawn and sheltered Van Eck heir, and convince him to elope with another mercher. That’s all Jesper has to do on his end, and then the Crows will walk away with 45 million kruge. It’s a simple task.
Or it would be, if not for the fact that there seems to be more to Wylan Van Eck than meets the eye, and Jesper can’t help but be intrigued—and maybe a bit charmed, too.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 78,020
- Chapters:
- 11/11
- Comments:
- 321
- Kudos:
- 742
- Bookmarks:
- 151
- Hits:
- 13,522
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
07 Nov 2024
[Fandom Stats] F/F stats (February 2021) by toastystats (destinationtoast)
Fandoms: Fandom - Fandom
06 Mar 2021
Stats about F/F on AO3, including large F/F ships and fandoms with lots of F/F.
- Part 5 of Femslash Stats
- Part 104 of Fandom Stats
- Part 19 of Shipping Stats
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
05 Nov 2024
sometimes love feels like a noun in some new foreign language by Cirkne
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV)
29 Jul 2023
“You’re both dead to me,” Kaz says. It’s the first time he’s said more than two words to Jesper since he left.
I still remember how your lips feel against mine, Jesper wants to say and forces himself to laugh instead.
Exes to lovers Kaz/Jesper
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
28 Oct 2024
“So soulmates do exist, genuinely?
“For Grisha, yes. But it’s very rare. In some cases if a lover is reborn, they are bound to run into their past lover again.”Or
Jesper is Grisha and Wylan is not, Jesper always knew this would mean he’d outlive Wylan. And it happens.
Somehow, on total accident, he keeps finding him again.Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
27 Oct 2024
flower dictionary for exes by MaudeAlise
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV)
12 Oct 2023
“Well, I can’t stand yours!” Wylan snaps, lying through his teeth.
The good thing of being roommates with your ex, Wylan thinks, is that he doesn’t have to tearfully hold onto Jesper’s sweatshirts and hope that the scent still remains. He can just go into the laundry room and sniff Jesper’s fabric softener like a completely well-adjusted, reasonable and mature adult.
or, Jesper and Wylan break up, still live together, miscommunicate and then communicate. And learn about some flowers.
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
26 Oct 2024
weren't we the stars in heaven? (didn't you believe in me?) by mosshearted for pinkopaque
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo
23 Dec 2023
“Fahey.” Kaz looked up from adjusting his knee brace to see his ex-boyfriend shaking like a small dog in front of him. This was the first time they’d seen each other or talked in two months. Jesper swallowed the lump in his throat, he missed him more than anything.
“Hey.” Jesper couldn’t think of something better to say. He didn’t think ‘Please take me back, I'll do anything. I’ll never make a sound again if it means I can hear your voice every morning’ was appropriate, but it was on his mind a lot.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 8,119
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 10
- Kudos:
- 127
- Bookmarks:
- 17
- Hits:
- 1,136
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
23 Oct 2024
the queen's lady by 19burstraat (astardanced)
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo
10 May 2021
“So, yes.” Kaz said. “It is a good idea to collect in the Barrel. Merchers don’t care about some puerile charity project, but the Barrel is built of survivors. It has a very long memory. Say some jumped-up kid pinches some kruge from them. When he comes back to his boss, who lost his girl and his Da and his best friend in the Queen’s Lady, and presents him with money that’s meant to be funding a memorial for them? Them, the people who never get a scrap of respect, who were left to die in the streets? That kid will be lucky if he escapes with both of his hands.”
or: on the 10 year anniversary of the queen's lady plague, the holy ghezen health institute aim to erect a memorial for the victims, but they struggle to find the funds. kaz is selfish in a selfless way.
and thanks to some sleuthing from wylan, jesper finds out who jordie is.
or was.- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 14,100
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 4
- Comments:
- 208
- Kudos:
- 3,065
- Bookmarks:
- 959
- Hits:
- 19,228
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
20 Oct 2024
something to feel, to race through your blood and remind you you're here by Anonymous
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo
07 Feb 2024
Jesper laughs a little. “Oh shit. What’d you do? Unless you’re one of those kids who runs away and hitchhikes across the country to go to a music festival that daddy said no to, in which case I’ll leave you here. Wait, that isn’t why you’re going to the coast, is it?”
To Jesper’s surprise, Wylan laughs at that– a real laugh that sparks delightfully in his eyes. “I wish it were that simple.”
On a job driving across the country to make a (quite illegal) delivery for Kaz, Jesper picks up a hitchhiking stranger on a whim.
He soon discovers that he's not the only one running from his problems; Wylan is also running, and is desperate enough to ask Jesper for help locating someone he needs to find, who may or may not be the reason behind a mess Wylan has found himself in.
Jesper agrees, and the two of them set out on an impromptu road trip. Because what could go wrong? (Spoiler alert: it's never that easy).
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 58,936
- Chapters:
- 6/?
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 145
- Kudos:
- 319
- Bookmarks:
- 71
- Hits:
- 6,660
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
19 Oct 2024
Wanderer’s Horizon by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays
Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV)
12 Aug 2021
Jesper Fahey has gambled away the last of his rent money. Facing eviction, he needs either a roommate or a miracle. With the way he lives, they could be one and the same.
Wylan Van Eck has been thrown from his privileged life onto the dank streets of New York City. He is looking for somewhere, anywhere, to go.
There might be a way to make this work.
Or, the Wesper modern-day roommates au I know we’re all so desperate for.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 73,390
- Chapters:
- 19/19
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 620
- Kudos:
- 2,703
- Bookmarks:
- 626
- Hits:
- 54,122
Bookmarked by SomeoneStoleMyName
04 Oct 2024