Recent works
“Hey, Shift, can I roll to put my arm around Sightseer?”
“..You.. don’t have to roll for that-“
‘i want to roll to contest grapple, against petunia.’ Viewer insists, a little deadpan about it.
Shift has decided to run a DND Campaign for two players, Daisy and Viewer! And maybe he gets a little bit devious about his included NPCs, just maybe.
Luna offers The Viewer a gift on their signature collecting adventures—a quick cookie crumble smelling mist. However, she assumes she’s a bit.. too obvious.
She was right.
Luckily, Mistletoe doesn’t seem to mind.
“All I’m asking ya to do is get me in! I make the plan, you help execute the plan, that’s it!”
“Yeah, and I get you out of trouble if things go wrong.”
“I’m still the one making the plan! Just get me in, trust me.”
“You’re partying because you wanna hit on somebody, not for a job!”
= = =
Shift was planning on using his free time normally, but nothing is ever normal when Daisy calls.
“Hm, Syb?”
“..There’s no, well, burden that you’re trying to lift, you just made it because you like the flavor—because it is a good flavor—right?”
Sybil’s eyes went a little wide at the questioning, opening her mouth to squeak out another ‘I’m fine, Luna! Everything’s good!’ like she’d done countless times before, but not even that could get out anymore. With no answer, she turns away.= =
Sybil feels as if she’s not being a good enough friend to Luna, like she’s more trouble than it’s worth.
Luna disagrees. -
Alison gripped Jetpack’s hand again, and gave it a squeeze, “Sure, there’s plenty in this mansion that enjoy The Sorceress and her grasp in this place, but then there’s ones like us. Ones that just want to survive, and they’re doing it in any way they can.”
Jetpack sighed, “You don’t make it easy on yourself, though.”
“..I don’t. I can’t.”
= = =
Alison comes to the realization that The Sorceress has more planned than what anyone living here could have thought.
Jetpack thinks Alison is risking too much for one mysterious stranger on her doorstep.