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“Speaking of weapons,” O’Keeffe said before Rusty could move away, “did you see who won the semi-finals?”
Well, well, well, what’s this? Rare was it for O’Keeffe to express any interest in MT brawling outside of making snide comments about the stupidity of the profession.
Rusty slowly set his boxes back down, considering O'Keeffe for a moment before saying: “Yeah, some newbie, I heard."
A new challenger breaks into the highly dangerous yet lucrative world of MT brawling on the independent colony of Tau Ceti, shaking up the status quo and snatching the title of 'champion' from Rusty's complacent hands. Yet, there's something off with this challenger - he clearly isn't in it for the money like everyone else, and the more Rusty digs into his new rival, the less he understands.
- Part 39 of memento vivere (remember to live)
Bookmarked by Sinantrarion
13 Oct 2024
Starting a fire was never easy. It took blood, sweat, and tears.
Starting a fire was one thing. Keeping it alive? Well, that was something else.
The fire would not die.
The fire would burn.
Bookmarked by Sinantrarion
09 Sep 2024
Turned out a new competitor had set up shop over a week ago, and there was some unknowable, murky history between him and the manager, Snail (who the fuck named their kid Snail? Had to be a nickname). Michigan had been malding and seething for days, muttering ominously and glaring out the window like a psychopath (and scaring away some customers in the process), clearly trying to entice Iguazu to ask ‘what’s up chief’ like an idiot so he could send him off to sabotage their food supply or firebomb them in the night or whatever.
(They did not discuss what happened to the last competitor for legal reasons)
A new cafe sets up shop directly opposite to the local Redgun Cafe. This kickstarts a rivalry of epic and stupid proportions.
Oh, and there's a love story in there too.
- Part 24 of memento vivere (remember to live)
Bookmarked by Sinantrarion
09 Sep 2024
Raven's the new and mysterious delivery driver in town and he’s about to make a lot of people’s lives more complicated (and/or miserable) - especially for Rusty, a barista in the Arquebus building’s cafe. What’s a guy to do? Probably nothing smart or wise.
Otherwise known as: Coffeeshop au romance but surprise it's actually also about high stakes street racing.
Bookmarked by Sinantrarion
02 Sep 2024
Collection of AC6 drabbles too short to be posted as their own thing. Open to prompts and requests.
Current Drabble: bloom - flowers are surprisingly stubborn (viv621, post-LoR)
- Part 31 of memento vivere (remember to live)
Bookmarked by Sinantrarion
02 Sep 2024