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Everything about his life majorly sucks. Well, that's not true: Ikkaku has a good job, he has a couple buddies, he's mostly sober. Nah, what's annoying is that everyone around him seems to know what they're doing, getting married and being fiscally responsible while he's still all alone. What's more is that he's approaching thirty and he still doesn't have the grit to ask his crush out for drinks, but c'mon, it's not his fault! What's a bald guy to do when the man of his dreams works in a hair salon?
Bookmarked by Shaley21
24 Feb 2022
Dynamic Changes by Animemaniac1010, Bending_Liquid_Metal (TyrannoVox)
Fandoms: Mortal Kombat (Video Games)
26 Jul 2021
Hanzo was an Alpha, then he was an Omega as Scorpion. Now, he doesn’t know what the fuck he is.
- Part 1 of Dynamic Shift
Bookmarked by Shaley21
11 Feb 2022