Gifts for SandsShifter
List of Gifts
Big Wish in a Small Pond by LegateAllenson for SandsShifter, As You Like It (ayellowbirds)
Fandoms: Ranma 1/2, ああっ女神さまっ | Ah! Megami-sama! | Oh My Goddess!, World of Warcraft
15 Oct 2024
What happens when you mix video games, wishing swords, and a damn fool? More trouble for Saotome Ranma, that's what. Always more trouble for Ranma, as she has to deal with the consequences of someone else's actions.
Prompted by friends in Discord, written because I have no willpower to avoid brain worms, posted so that everyone can suffer as I've had to suffer.
Now, with actual fanart posted in Ch 2~!
- Part 3 of A 'chaos' of fantasy Ranmas.