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He’s covered in someone else’s fresh blood, warm to the touch and burning through his skin, when Mikoto realizes that he’s never felt more human than now. Buried in facets of lies, surrounded by people with masks as thick as his, always fake, always playing a part - wasn’t that what it meant to be human?
Mikoto has no idea.
Kayano Mikoto meets Kajiyama Fuuta, and learns what it means to be human.
Bookmarked by Runi_yay
22 Nov 2024
It's around 5 minutes until 12:30 PM on August 15th.
The sky is blue, and the temperature, while warm, is comfortable for a day out. Very few clouds line the sky, and the sunlight was bright enough to make Fuuta squint.It's quite the normal summer day for him.
He approaches the small park, hearing the crosswalk melody and distant chattering. He meets Mikoto at the park, seeing him sitting at a swing set with a black cat sat in his lap.It's 12:30 PM on August 15th.
Bookmarked by Runi_yay
25 Aug 2024
Fuuta learns the slow, arduous process of healing and meets Mikoto along the way.
Alternate Universe where MILGRAM doesn't exist but their crimes still do.