Knight Shoe, at your service!
I"m RedShoeParade, a full time 5D"s fan and a part time ZeXal fan.
Usually I"m listening to Vocaloid songs and you may noticed that some of my chapters are named after certain songs *cough* Spoilers *cough.
Most of the time you"ll probably see secret gift-fics that I made for friends, but sometimes I just write fics because I have a need to write strange pairings. Because I am made from tamagotchies, feels, dreams and unpopular shippings; you"ll usually see a lot. I"m that writer who always writes about unpopular characters, so prepare yourselves. I also love horror games, so you should look out for those fics with names that give you a strange feeling.
I always use sub names and never make fun of characters. I never go OOC and I rarely use OCs (except for the ones already in the show :3)
So go on, click one of my fics, you know you"re curious.