Recent works
After so many years of friendship, Ryan just knows when something is wrong...
Rubbing at his forehead with his wrist, Ryan let his eyes fall shut again, dragging one long-fingered hand over his pale face.
‘Dan’s gonna be so pissed about this.’
Glancing at his phone, Colin frowned. Ryan was late. Which was odd because Ryan was never late.
In which Colin worries, imagines all sorts, and ends up saving Ryan's life.
Colin took in how the studio lights picked out the beads of sweat on Ryan’s forehead, like pimples on a teenager. One of his hands was curled into a white-knuckled fist, with his chin resting upon it, the other hidden on his opposite side as he stared fixedly ahead of him. It was clear Ryan knew he was under scrutiny but refused to look back.
Nobody got it. Nobody understood.
Sat at the little table in his dressing room, Colin stared at his reflection in the mirror, 2 slices of pizza untouched and congealing on a plate at his elbow. Yet all he could see was a pair of panic-filled green eyes, Ryan’s silently screaming lips turning rapidly blue.
Everyone called him a hero, praised his quick thinking and calm actions.
It was all a lie.
UPDATED: 13/04/2021