10 Works by PenDragonInkus
Listing Works
Don't Drive Faster Than Your Guardian Angel Can Fly by PenDragonInkus for JerseyDragons
Fandoms: Supernatural
28 Apr 2020
Dean leaned over and unlocked the passenger door for Sam, and was just reaching back to the back door lock, when Cas seemed to realise what he was doing.
'But I can get you there way faster than any death-trap on wheels can!' Cas said.
'There's no way in HELL I'm doing another side-along apparition with you…' Dean started. 'And so help me if you say one thing about not understanding I WILL kick your ass straight back where it came from, with no return address!' he continued.
Cas had opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it again not wishing to not fuel Dean's temper.
'And my Baby is NOT some 'death-trap on wheels' - leave THAT compliment for New York taxi's - either! Dean added, getting rather worked up.
'Dean, dude, calm down. Busting a vein because of some cocky, feathery-assed angel isn't worth it, okay?' Sam interjected, hoping to diffuse the situation somewhat.
'But I… can?' Cas protested weakly.
'Fine.' Dean ground out. 'One way to sort this; a race. But none of your creepy-ass apparition is allowed. Whoever gets there first doesn't have to pay for dinner for two weeks.' Dean said.
'…sounds fair to me.' Cas says after a brief pause.
Once Castiel saw Gabriel's eyes blinking sleepily open he said, "Gabriel, I do believe today is our flying appointment?" At the tender age of eight, Cas, who had just grown into his wings (they still looked a little big for him) didn't appear to be even a bit excited in the least. Anyone else would have been jumping up and down and whooping. (Angels, though a superior race had to have fun at some age… unless they were like Gabriel of course and never grew up.) No, he wasn't excited at all. Already well versed and very, very serious the fledgling did not make jokes, say a sentence shorter than fifteen words long - with at least one complicated word in there - or show any other emotion than 'poker face'. Gabriel didn't think the kid had ever played a prank, said a joke, or lied in his whole - albeit short - life.
Basically Cas is a big blue eyed little fledgeling learning to fly and big brother Gabriel steps in to teach (pssh, more like torture) him. Cuteness overload, as I've said. You have been warned.
Stórie's Nemesis by PenDragonInkus for JerseyDragons
Fandoms: Merlin (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
02 Mar 2020
Stórie growls on Merlin's shoulder as far away from Arthur as she can get and says you humans need a stick to do a backflip? Watch this before crouching slightly on Merlin's shoulder (once she knew she had his attention) and doing a neat backflip, landing exactly where she took off with minimal clawing of Merlin's robes (he'd started complaining about the six neat slashes on his shoulders from her claws, to which she replied not cat, can't retract). After clapping at his dragon's trick and leaving her puffed out with pride on his shoulder, Merlin turns back to Arthur.
If you're a new reader, welcome! I'm sure you're extremely confused. You can read my other story "The Avoid Harry Potter Club - Year One" if you want, but it's not imperative, basically all you need to know is Stórie is a character I made up, Merlin's pet, a little golden dragon with more attitude than the entire cast of Merlin put together...
So we all know the countless stories where Merlin has to wait 1500 years for Arthur to come back. What if, however, the roles were reversed? What if Arthur has to wait 1500 after Merlin dies because Merlin blessed (or cursed) him with immortality with his dying breath? Arthur has to watch those around him fade away, and eventually has to deal with the five stages of grief on his own... and then when he finally reaches acceptance at about year 1498, Merlin turns up again to turn his world upside down.
The Avoid Harry Potter Club - Year One by PenDragonInkus for JerseyDragons
Fandoms: Merlin (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
22 Nov 2019
"They say Harry Potter is on the train." Arthur says nonchalantly, stuffing his trunk in the overhead compartment, trying to ignore the indignant hoots of his owl, Archimedes.
"So?" Merlin asks, looking up from the book he was reading and tickling Astor, his miniature dragon under the chin, making her spit little sparks.
"Isn't he, like, the most powerful..."
"Let me stop you right there," Merlin interjects, "and swear to me that you'll avoid that troublemaker as much as possible."
"Um..." Arthur eloquently replies.
"Because for a minute there, you actually sounded like you were in awe."
The one no-one asked for where our boys totally trash "The Chosen One" and get up to more mischief than the Weasley twins.
- Part 1 of The Avoid Harry Potter Club
Basically Merlin finds an unfamiliar spell in his super-secret-sorcery book, and, well, does a Merlin, and casts it without thinking. The clotpole. It all ends up with singing, dancing and sorcery. And perhaps a marriage thrown in there somewhere too...
What a Joki by PenDragonInkus
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV)
04 Jun 2019
What starts as a leisurely game night turns into an insult war, and then a rap battle of all things at Avengers Tower.
And guess what?
Thor just HAD to bring Loki along...
Throw in Doug Judy and the entire freaking Avengers turning up at the Nine-Nine, and you have the start of a whirlwind adventure.
I think....
Sit back and enjoy the ride, materinos... hopefully you can handle it. ;-)
- Part 2 of Avengers NINE-NINE!
Sam goes on a supply run, and Dean gets visited by someone very familiar.
Do Spiders Like Die Hard? by PenDragonInkus
Fandoms: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
08 Oct 2018
That one time I'm inspired by a tumblr post and Jake and Charles meet a certain vigilante. In Queens. Whoops!
Die Hard references, finger lickin' good and sleeping on Captain America's couch (ish) ensue.
Just a normal Wednesday afternoon then.
Thanks to my mates for making me write after so long -- the sore wrist was sooo worth it!
- Part 1 of Avengers NINE-NINE!
In which I explore a bunch of ideas I got on a sugar high. A lot might be a little weird, but what the hay. Some may be shippy, some may not be, but all in all it'll involve our favourite Zootopian pair.
First up: The One Where Fluff Gets Flustered