

My pseuds:
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I’m paulamcg on Dreamwidth, Livejournal and Tumblr.

I still write only in the Harry Potter fandom. All my fanfiction is based only on the first five HP books, because I started writing fic soon after Order of the Phoenix was published, and I still want never to contradict anything I've written before. All my short stories somehow complement the big chaptered fic set in autumn 1996 (Remus Lupin and the Revolt of the Creatures) which I wrote in 2003 – 2010. However, each of my fics can be read separately.

I’m sure to reply to any comments, no matter how long ago the story was written, as I love discussing fic. I appreciate kudos, too, and I also enjoy giving feedback on fanworks I like. I tend to check if my readers have written in the HP fandom, and I occasionally read fics by them in other fandoms, too.



I welcome any and all transformative works. You do not have to ask for my permission first.

However, if anyone ever creates something on the basis of my work, I’d love to know about it. Just to hear about such an intention will make more than my day! I’d be thrilled to get a link to the completed work.

And please credit me and link back to my work.