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Harry always held the hope that Draco would come back, and now he had, just not in the way Harry would’ve imagined. Draco had clearly moved on, judging by the three year old clutched to his legs.
Harry begins to suspect that Draco is pregnant, but Draco isn't having it.
Draco's home has layers of old, dark magic that he can't remove. He has to hire the best person to keep him and Scorpius safe. Even if that person is Harry Potter.
- Part 1 of I Know I'm Supposed to Love You
The Proof Is In the Potion by NurseDarry for cassie_black
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
12 May 2014
Rita Skeeter does some actual research, and damned if she isn’t surprised with what she finds: Draco in the family way, a secret from way-back-when, and Lucius has the most shocking taste in alcoholic beverages.
A rare Daily Prophet honour, bestowed upon both Harry and Ginny, disturbs the dependable routine of their lives between league competitions. Darlings of the Quidditch world circuit, it’s sometimes difficult to determine whether Molly Weasley or the entire British media is more of an overbearing mum, obsessed with their potential lovers, even if Ginny’s too nomadic to care for an owl and Harry’s plenty satisfied with the ephemeral nature of his club night inamoratos.
The arrival of Blaise Zabini, a fellow honouree, catches Ginny’s attention when no one else can. Harry’s thrilled for her, but the matchmaking would be much more painless if he didn’t have to endure the constant presence of Blaise’s companion, the inexpressive, pejorative Draco Malfoy.
An adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, if you shade your eyes and squint through the slutty gay drama.