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Rey's actions upon the Supremacy are exposed casting her reputation, her fidelity to the cause, and her place among the resistance to be questioned. As she is placed before her own for judgment, she and Kylo Ren make decisions about their connection that can help or hurt those she loves.
--updates happen as they happen--
Rey lost him once when she walked away, she lost him again when she took and returned his life, and she lost him once more when he gave his life for hers. Three times was more than enough. If this failed, the galaxy would burn.
- Part 2 of Lifetimes
Rey returns to Ben, while he is Supreme Leader, at the Force's insistence.
- Part 1 of Lifetimes
Rey and Ben meet by Force Bond during lunch.
Not beta'd.
Confessions, Truths, and Brokenhearts....Gotta Love Music.
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you’re my dream come true (my one and only you) by keatons
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
01 Dec 2024
It is nighttime on Ajan Klos.
It is also unbearably quiet.
Rey tosses and turns in her bed, her thin camisole twisting and tangling up in the most aggravating way possible. Although it is cool and damp outside, somehow, her quarters feel annoyingly hot. After the rigorous day of training with Leia and then subsequent strategy meetings with the Resistance where the smallest and most seemingly inconsequential threads tangled into an ever-growing knot faster than she could blink, she should be exhausted.
But she isn’t.
When the Sun and the Moon Meet the Stars by MiladyMacy
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
18 Mar 2023
The course of history changes forever when a mysterious burst of energy surges throughout the entire galaxy, drawing Kylo Ren and Rey to meet at Lothal a year after the battle of Crait. So, imagine their surprise when it turns out that this mysterious burst was actually three confused but ferocious little force wielders, all of whom look strangely and terrifyingly familiar.
With darkness threatening to rise again, will our heroes, both old and new, be able to stop it in time this time around?
TLDR: that one fic where the next gen kids travel back in time to meet their younger parents to make sure that canon never happens… but make it Reylo.
“Man makes five thousand women orgasm—without even touching them!”
Rey doesn’t believe the article at first; that audio erotica was really enough to get anyone off.
Until she tries it.
Or: Rey’s coworker Ben has an unusual side gig.
Goodnight Moon by LittleAndikin
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
08 Oct 2020
Based on this prompt from @Reylo_Prompts on twitter:
Ben's 3 year old daughter Lily won't go to sleep without listening to the library's podcast reading of Goodnight Moon. When she's in the elevator with her father & a neighbour, she recognises Rey from her voice as the person who reads to her every night.
The Games We Play by CaptainCabinets
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
27 Mar 2022
“Do you regret it?” she asks. His hand pauses on the doorknob. He whips his head back to her, brows slightly knit—a question there. “Do you regret walking away that night?”
She needs to know. She needs to know so, so badly. Because she's been so full of regrets and guilt since they’ve met again. And it might be stupid and naive and dangerous, but she can't help but long for all the "what ifs" she’s conjured in her mind. It's been driving her mental.
“No,” he finally answers.
Her heart finds a new home in the bottom of her stomach.
"But," he starts, then pauses for an agonizing moment, "I do regret not finding you sooner.”